Monday, September 30, 2019
Different Perspectives
The focus on terrorism has become a global exercise and since it is a human behavior that is subject to the needs and motives of those who engage in it. The psychological perspective had been used to analyze terrorism and how man becomes a terrorist and though much has been learned of the psychology of terrorism, much also has been desired to paint an accurate picture of terrorism.One limitation of studying terrorism is that there are no single definition of what it is, for this analysis, we define terrorism as acts of violence motivated by social, political, religious and economic ideologies directed towards certain groups, race, country or institution in peaceful times. Terrorist acts had ranged from the most violent, gruesome, irrational, and brutal and all of which are incomprehensible to the normal citizen.Terrorism by itself is inhuman and is a basic affront to the divine right of man to live for acts of terrorism had claimed thousands of innocent lives. The question of how and why ordinary individuals become terrorists have been dissected by psychologists in the hope of learning what personality traits are shared by terrorists, what antecedent factors provoke the person to cause terror to others and whether becoming a terrorist is a behavior of sociopaths.Due to the vast research on terrorism in this frame of thought, it has been found that there is no single terrorist personality, that terrorist have come from different backgrounds, different religions, different economic status, have high levels of academic achievement, have various professions and careers and have different personalities. Another frame of thought was to look at the social psychological context of the would be terrorist, but it was also found that poverty, oppression or even strict fundamentalism do not preclude terrorism.Majority of those who have been oppressed or from poverty do not become terrorists but instead strive to alleviate their situations, the susceptibility to be recruite d by terrorists have also not been supported. Clinical psychology also tried to define terrorism as a form of sociopath disorders since terrorist seemingly do not feel guilt or remorse when they commit acts of violence, they also have a twisted view of justice and retribution as well, but this analogy did not hold up since terrorists do not have the compulsion to kill if it is not within their cause or their objectives (Ruby, 2002).Moreover, sociopaths have limited mental functioning, whereas terrorists are capable of extremely detailed and careful planning and plotting and function normally as members of the society and do not kill just for the need to kill but it is tied to some specific end goal. With the seemingly incomplete analysis of terrorism and terrorists, the psychological perspective had turned their focus on understanding the root cause of terrorism as a group behavior and how it influences the individual to become a terrorist (Crenshaw, 2000).Terrorism is culturally re lative, this means that American’s may view the siege of a political group of the country’s government as an act of terrorism but to the people of that country, it may be an act of rebellion against an oppressive government which is not terrorism but a necessary action that is for the greater good. Another example is how Israeli’s and the people all over the world view Palestinian suicide bomber attacks as a terrorist act, but to the Palestinian’s it is an act of bravery and loyalty to their country and faith which to them is not a sin but a divine call.Thus, when we study the psychology of terrorism, we must make use of the cultural perspective and identify what is terrorism and what is culturally sanctioned behavior, and from there understand the motives and reasons for being a terrorist (Zimbardo, 1995). For example, the Palestinian suicide bombers are often young men who are idealistic and want to contribute to their family and society, and in a socie ty that encourages and rewards these behaviors are motivated to become terrorists because it gives them the opportunity to become an important person in the society and whose family will be treated with respect.Thus, the suicide bomber would think and believe that what he is doing will benefit those he will leave behind and at the same time be able to serve his country and his God, moreover, suicide is not considered a sin but the ultimate sacrifice. To the Israeli’s, who are the recipient of the terrorist attacks no doubt share with the rest of the world the definition of terrorism, and perceive the Palestinian action as irrational and violent and senseless as it only seeks to inflict pain, fear and terror among them.Psychology however can only identify the reasons and help in the understanding of what makes a terrorist, and the socio-cultural perspective says that it is often influenced by the social and cultural expectations of the particular group and is motivated by inte rnal and external rewards of the act. Another useful perspective to be used in analyzing terrorism is through the lens of the cognitive learning perspective; this approach says that any behavior is a product of learning and the perceptions of the individual.Terrorism is a learned behavior, hence it is taught in various situations and is reinforced by the rewards of the behavior, for example, a terrorist may succeed in bombing of an American building and hence the goal is reached. The behaviors needed to reach this goal are taught in training camps and therefore the achievement of the goal satisfies the objectives of the group. The sense of accomplishment, of being able to see the enemy suffer are rewarding to the terrorist for it validates their skills and knowledge in terrorism.However, one is not just a killing machine; the terrorist is also a mentally functioning individual and makes the choices to behave in such a way (Crenshaw, 1990). Terrorists often believe in something and h ave perceived this as the most important and most worthwhile behavior that would enable them to complete their purpose. Terrorism as a focus of study still needs to be studied and academically investigated, with the new evidence and knowledge that people have of terrorists and terrorism, there will come a time when people would understand what it is and hopefully be able to diffuse the burning coals of terrorism.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Metropolitan Museam of Art
Rob Murphy Art and Culture Extra Credit My Second Visit to the Met 12/10/11 My second visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art was equally enjoyable as the first. On my first visit, I hovered around the American wing and Egyptian wing mainly. On the contrary, my second visit consisted of a trip to enjoy the Greek and Roman wing. Wings such as the Egyptian, are big enough to re-visit, as I was able too. The works I was able to enjoy on my second trip were the â€Å"Cleopatra†sculpture, and the world renowned â€Å"Perseus with a Head of Medusa†. The â€Å"Cleopatra†sculpture was quite a sensational one.It was carved by William Wetmore Story out of marble; spanning eleven years , it was completed in 1869. The Boston bred sculptor’s masterpiece is in Gallery of American painting and sculpture of the Met. This beautiful sculpture is of the Egyptian queen , born in 69 BC. Alike many of William Wetmore Story’s sculptures, Cleopatra is sitting down in a c hair. The Queen is wearing a long dress with her left breast exposed. She is accessorized with jewelry and an Egyptian head piece. Her facial expressions and body positioning suggests she is is in a deep state of thought. Whether reflecting on past behavior or contemplating future actions, the figures are thinking about deeds of cataclysmic significance†(Metropolitan Museum of Art). This suggests Cleopatra is said to be thinking of something of great significance. The reason I chose the sculpture of Cleopatra as one of the works from my second visit is because it was understandable, and expresses a clear thought. She is a famous figure, and once I witnessed it , it was enjoyable to see something familiar. His sculpture made of marble is beyond my imagination of how someone could complete this.The neoclassical sculptors, â€Å"Cleopatra†, were one of William Wetmore Story’s most applauded works of art. The second work of art I appreciated on my trip to the Met was â€Å"Perseus with the Head of Medusa†. â€Å"Perseus with the Head of Medusa†is located in the European Sculpture and Decorative Arts hall. Italy native Antonio Canova carved this sculpture spanning from 1804 to 1806. In addition to the past sculpture, this was also carved out of marble. It displays Perseus, who is a mythical hero who was said to have defeated various archaic monsters; Most notably known for the Greek hero who killed Gordon Medusa , as displayed in the sculpture.Medusa was a monster who, when someone would lay eyes upon her would be transform into stone. After being killed by Perseus, Medusa’s head was used as a weapon by this hero ,and later given as a gift to his goddess, Athena, as a shield ornament. This greatly detailed sculpture shows Perseus nude , wielding a shield in one hand and medusas decapitated head in the other. He is shown staring at the severed head of Medusa. Perseus takes pride in slaying this monster , and holds her head h igh and might with pride.The face of Medusa looks unpleasant, and has a defeated expression. The mythical hero has her by the hair, except , her would be hair is represented by snakes. The reason I chose to write about this sculpture is because along with Cleopatra, Medusa was a familiar figure to me . In addition , I am also intrigued by Greek mythology such as Medusa and Perseus. The extreme detail of this exquisite sculpture also caught my attention. Canova’s detail is remarkable. The fact that he can capture facial expressions, thoughts, and predictable actions in this sculpture is phenomenal.The Metropolitan Museum of Art is an extraordinary experience. Being lucky enough to enjoy it twice is rare. While gawking at everything you lay eyes upon, you have a sense of disbelief. To think these unparalleled sculptures were hand carved, in days of minute technology is beyond understanding. These two works of art are truly amazing and the fact that they were kept in such immacu late condition is marvelous. The reasons I chose these two was because, I was familiar with both characters and I was interested to do research on them, and learn more.In conclusion I would recommend to anyone planning on taking a trip to this museum to visit these two miraculous works of art. Bibliography: http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/search-the-collections? gallerynos=548&ft=* http://www. metmuseum. org/Collections/search-the-collections/20013020? rpp=20&pg=1&ft=cleopatra&pos=5 http://www. framemuseums. org/jsp/fiche_oeuvre. jsp? STNAV=&RUBNAV=&CODE=O115046173127831&LANGUE=1&RH=UsaFRAMEMuseums&OBJET_PROVENANCE=COLLECTION
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Most Valuable Provisions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Most Valuable Provisions - Research Paper Example This is only possible if the nurses are aware of the specific health needs of the patients, as well as other concerns that affect health such as environmental pollution, violation of the human rights, inaccess to healthcare amongst others (Lachman, 2009). The provision also involves the public in ensuring that the health needs of a people are met (Lachman, 2009). The public is expected to work closely with the nurses in making the community responsive to the circumstances that contribute to illness, and how they can modify their lifestyle to promote fit lifestyles. The nurse must also incorporate all the cultures in an attempt to proffer health services to the public. In the thought of Sasso, et. al. (2008), provision 9 is accountable for expressing nursing values that uphold integrity for the nursing profession, and its involvement to shaping the nursing policy. According to the provision, the profession organization is expected to be in touch with and avow the values to its members; hence, encourage self assessment and reflection within the profession. This leads to the public holding the opinion that nursing plays a crucial role to social change that improves health. It is in this argument that the profession ensures that they ensure collective liability through the concerned professional associations. This provision also checks for principles of practice. Additionally, Lachman (2009) indicates that the provision scrutinizes the mechanisms of assessing the efficacy of professional nursing. The provision also makes sure that inter-professional uprightness is attained through the proviso. Educational requirements for official recognition and practice of nursing are well scrutinized by the provision (Lachman, 2009).The nursing profession and practice, in this case, is evaluated for effectiveness, all for the benefit of the public. In the course of my nursing profession, these provisions have been of fundamental nature as
Friday, September 27, 2019
Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 20
Reflection Paper - Essay Example Art is not something which stays stable but it evolves through time by being influence by everything. Technology is changing drastically over the years due to which art has successfully evolved into a whole new different vision. Now paintings are not just considered to be some creative and modernized images but are also created by the painters by taking the help of modern equipment and material. Though art has been there from the beginning as evidenced by the vestiges of the past but still the technology has made the use of new equipment possible and has provided it a whole new medium. The option of digital art allows people to work with images and colors and create masterpieces, without even having professional training. Other technological changes that have occurred in art during the last few decades include invention of colors spectrum, photography, computer manipulated photography, digital media, etc. (Souppouris, 2014). Graphic designing has become easier for the artists and can be carried out through Photoshop and illustrators, which has opened up a whole new realm for them for concentrating i.e. Web Design. It has also developed a great opportunity for the amateur designers as they do not have to learn much about manual typography and screen printing. Digital art such as ArtRage, Painter and Photoshop allows people to paint without even using an actual brush. In a way this technology improves the painting skills of the individual, as it is faster than working with oil, the painting can be easily discarded and this is much easier than using canvas (Pitt, 2012). American culture has always been the supporter of art even during the depression decade; the Washington State was seen as the home of the national art history, hosting some of the most creative and innovative musical, theatre and performing art (Zimmermann, 2013). For example it was during the darkest days of the great depression when
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The UK Hotel Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
The UK Hotel Industry - Essay Example In spite of such diversity, a large proportion of work in the manufacturing industries to relates services. (Hoque 1999b). While human resources management as a concept attracted a lot of attention as a â€Å"more effective and productive approach to managing organizations key assets, its people†, there have been differences of opinion as to whether it is industrial relations management-personnel management (IR & PR) freshly packaged or a totally different discipline â€Å"aimed at integrating the management of people into overall business strategy and organizational goals†(Poole, 1990; Salamon, 1987; Storey, 1995b cited in Mc Gunnigle 2000). Three models of HRM have been suggested: normative" (prescriptive of an ideal approach); "descriptive" (identifying developments and practice in the field); and "conceptual" (a model for classification). (Storey 1992 cited in Mc Gunnigle 2000). In the normative model, HRM has a â€Å"team development†orientation, a â€Å" significant role for line managers†and seeks to develop an â€Å"organizational culture†. The conceptual model differs widely from IR-PR with as many as 27 differences listed. All researchers, however, agree that employee commitment is not only the dominant aspect of HRM but that it is the main differentiator between HRM and IR-PR. (Storey 1992 and Guest 1995 cited in Mc Gunnigle 2000).  The objective of human resource management is fostering employee commitment to enhancing employee performance. The rationale behind this premise is that employee commitment makes them more satisfied, productive, adaptable, willing to accept organizational goals and values and not mind to ‘stretch’ to meet these goals. ‘Stretch’, in this context refers to additional productivity, effective contributions and taking part in continuous improvement processes.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
L'Orals Marketing Mix Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
L'Orals Marketing Mix - Assignment Example The firm’s internationalization process followed an Uppsala model rather than Product Life Cycle or Born Global approaches. L'Oreal enjoys positive Country of Origin Effect and clearly seeks to maximize on global consumer perceptions that French skin care products are of high quality. Part 1: L'Oreal’s Marketing Mix- Standardisation/Adaptation to International Markets The approach for the analysis of L'Oreal’s marketing mix will follow the pattern of product, price, place, and promotion. In terms of L'Oreal’s products, it is noted that most of them go by an English name across the international market, for instance, Maybelline, Softsheen Carson, Matrix, Ralph Lauren, Stella McCartney and Roger and Gallet. The exceptions of English-named products all use French names such as Lanc?me, L'Oreal Professionnel and Kerastase (L' 2011). This is indicative of a standardization approach, which for multinational marketing such as the one undertaking by L'Ore al follows a globalization, adopting the most widely used language for their products. Through taking advantage of the wide use of English, the firm is able to reach wide markets without having to adapt through use of local languages for branding. Another aspect of L'Oreal that is indicative of standardization is its maintenance of the same packaging and design as much as possible, only changing it due to the nature of the product (for example fluidity). In terms of product usage, it is clear that the company aims to establish a range of products that can fit everyone; for instance, through using the same product portfolio for the entire European zone. There are however elements of adaptation in L'Oreal product considerations as evidenced by the company’s operations in the Asian markets. A manifestation of this is conducting surveys and tests to learn about the differences in the nature of Chinese skin in order to develop products best suited for this market. Besides using re search laboratories, the company has also previously commissioned a research by Wang, Fang, and Zhu (2008, 57-66) to investigate Chinese skin. Similar efforts have also been made by the firm in the USA (Benard et al. 2005, pp. 278-287). This standardization/adaptation mix strategy is also evident in India, where L'Oreal launched the global brand Garnier (standardization) but then tailored it in formulation and packaging (adaptation) to fit the Indian market as was well reported by Warc News (2010, p. 2). Analysis of the company’s pricing strategy in foreign markets reveals an adaptation approach. On a closely related consideration to the product lines, it is noted that L'Oreal first undertakes research on the target market including the specific section to target before developing the product. Hence, there is a presentation of a heterogeneous range of products from luxurious ones to what can be considered as addressing cosmetics needs with both categories following different pricing. The type of product sold in a particular region is based on the pricing strategy that is deemed most suitable. For instance, Garnier was introduced in India with the aim of attracting the customers based on the low price; $ 5.60, while the same brand goes for $ 6.47-$8.38 in the USA (Wall Street Journal 2007).
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Tesco's Recommendations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tesco's Recommendations - Essay Example However, it was with the oncoming of the 1990s that Tesco began its international expansion and began to channel extensive resources towards innovation in its marketing strategy to reach consumers (Clark, 2008). This paper shall attempt to shed light on Tescos current standing in the consumer market and the effectiveness of its current marketing strategies in order to develop a set of recommendations for Tesco to sustain and improve its market share and profitability. It is also imperative to realize that Tesco has chosen to exercise extensive product development and market development by adding products and services that are non-food but provide consumers with high levels of utility. This strategy is one that has proven to be extremely beneficial for Tesco over time (Chaffey, 2008). While this innovation on the part of Tesco may make it difficult to soundly place Tesco as a grocery retailer, the fact remains that Tescos fundamental sales items remain those that pertain to groceries. The approach is one that is found by Tesco in the concept of the investment in growth. Growth, according to Tescos strategy, is the development of availability and accessibility for consumers to Tesco (Corporate Watch UK, 2004). An example can be found in the fact that Tesco more than often chooses to make use of an opportunity to open an Express Store rather than letting it go by. With regard to the effectiveness of the current marketing and strategic outlook of Tesco, it can be observed that Tesco is currently recognized as a reliable and acknowledged brand amongst European consumers and is in a condition that can be considered stable enough to bring forth an expansion plan into the market (Corporate Watch UK, 2004). It would be appropriate for Tesco to move forth from market penetration approaches to product development strategies (Marivic Butod, 2009). Needless to say, the question of the
Monday, September 23, 2019
The effects of weather and terrain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The effects of weather and terrain - Essay Example The nature of a given terrain is likely to affect the visibility of certain areas. For instance, highly mountainous areas may not be easily to view. As a result, commanders may need to apply technology to enable viewing of such areas and make their operations possible. Similarly, some areas tend to have very tall trees and thick vegetations which are likely to hinder the visibility of a given region1. Due to the challenges presented by this type of topography the commanders should invest in technology that enables them to avoid such challenges, for instance, satellite. Invisible regions of electromagnetic continuum, magnetic forces as well as radiations affect the means of communication in the context of war. For instance mountainous areas may affect the issue of communication network. In such a case, military commanders are likely to face challenges when giving orders to their forces. As a result, the concept of airmobile has been introduced to overcome the challenge of such terrain s. The transportation of war materials and troops is highly affected by the topography of an area. For instance, areas surrounded by oceans, that is, islands will not favor on-ground transport such as trains. Similarly, landlocked regions do not allow movement of troops by the sea or ocean. Moreover, mountainous areas require physically fit soldiers who can operate in such areas. This is because; the challenge lies in transporting the soldiers up and down in such steep and varied terrains areas as suggested by Keating2. During the civil war, maps on the topography were regularly supplied in order to make operations of the war possible. This is because the presence of inaccurate maps would proof a challenge in planning and coordinating the operations of the war. However, knowledge of topography ensured the union blockade of ports, control of the Mississippi river and control of higher grounds.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Jury Nullification Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Jury Nullification - Case Study Example v. Morgentaler’s case whereby the cited law did not adequately apply (R. v. Morgentaler, 1988). However, this has always been the norm due to the de facto power granted to juries whereby despite judge’s role of instructing and advising them to act based on the law in question cannot interfere with their final verdicts. For instance, in R. v. Morgentaler’s case the accused were acquitted after the jury found s.251, which they argued violated women’s privileges was true and did not in anyway seem to hold them accountable for their actions. In most cases, jury nullification as evident in the case aforementioned prompt some individuals especially those who have done grievous crimes prefer their arbitration because they are aware of receiving fair judgments incomparable to the magnitude of their charges or all together acquitted. This is evident in R. v. Morgentaler’s case though the involved parties did not prompt the same but owing to then unfolding ci rcumstances about laws’ interpretation disregarded the charges, hence acquitting the accused (R. v. Morgentaler, 1988). Acquittal occurs if jury finds the stated law inapplicable, oppressive as well as unpopular based on their interpretation and other aspects that may influence their irrevocable verdicts them like morality. For instance, in R. v. ... What do you think of jury nullification? Despite numerous negative responses anti jury nullification, I think its role is more of upholding the execution of justice with consideration of morality. However, this in many incidences may differ with both judge and claimants’ anticipations concerning varied laws, which they cite the accused might have infringed based on the case at hand. Since, in all their undertakings and verdicts juries make certain fundamental considerations whose core purpose is to ensure fair trial of all parties involved in the case. However, due to their contrary verdicts to those of the involved parties may seem either unwise or favoring a particular party/side. This is especially evident when the jury nullifies a law that renders one guilty of having violated whereby with the aid of their interpretation pronounce it being conflicting. Hence, the accused acquitted for having done wrong as in the R. v. Morgentaler case where the claimant was very sure the s pecialists were quilt. However, the case overturned when the specialists cited s.251 violated women’s rights by compelling them to carry to term fetus that may in process subject them to both emotional and psychological distress (R. v. Morgentaler, 1988). This is upholding of morality, justice and vulnerable people’s rights as well as protecting those who may not have adequate knowledge concerning interpretation of a certain laws. However, with the intervention of jury the accused end up getting fair judgment or acquitted if the law is oppressive or unpopular as in the case R. v. Morgentaler where the prosecution’s side ended up using another law to defend the cited infringed law (R. v. Morgentaler, 1988). Based on my opinion, this does not imply judges compared to juries are
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Globalization of the world Essay Example for Free
Globalization of the world Essay Cosmetic surgery is one of surgical and medical techniques to improve physical appearances. It is reserving normal appearance, repairing it or enhancing it exceeds the usual physical looks with regard to some aesthetic essence. A shocking data shows that a lot of teenagers, 18-and-unders, had gone under the knife. According to the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (ASPS), more than 219,000 cosmetic procedures were done on patients aged 18 and younger in 2008 (Mann, 2011). Todays society really concerns about this issue since the age of 18 and under are considered still too young to do procedures. Nowadays, it is very common to have a cosmetic surgery done in order to improve and enhance physical appearances or any other so-called imperfections. People choose to go under the knife as an easy way out. Nips and tucks are apparently increasing everywhere. The top 7 countries with most cosmetic surgery are: South Korea, Greece, Italy, Brazil, Colombia, The USA, and Taiwan (Conley, 2012). In South Korea, 41.1 percent of teens are willing to do plastic surgery for beauty. They have a desire to look better; it even can be an obsession. Many kids at the age of 14 would like to have an â€Å"eye jobs†, a surgery to have bigger eyes, as their graduation gift from their parents (Dubroff, 2011). In the United States of America, those teenagers who are unhappy and not satisfied with their physical looks choose to change them permanently through the risky and dangerous cosmetic surgery (Mann, 2001). In 2009, about 8,000 girls age 13 to 19 had their breasts enlarged last year, accordi ng to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. And 2,953 of them were age 18 and younger (Thompson, 2010). After going through so many frightening news about teenagers with their obsessions to look good until they choose cosmetic surgery and the dangers that can come along, the society starts questioning, should cosmetic surgery be banned among teenagers, 18-and-under? This question has resulted in dissimilar views on this issue and certainly causes a series of arguments from both sides of the stand. The purpose of this research is to show that cosmetic surgery should indeed be banned among teenagers due to its danger and teenagers are unaware to evaluate risks. Moreover, at young age, teenagers should focus on school and their future. Having cosmetic surgery done for unnecessary reasons is non-essential. This report will clearly point out why cosmetic surgery should be banned among teenagers by providing several evidences to reinforce this belief. 2.0 BODY OF REPORT 2.1 Cosmetic Surgery is Highly Dangerous Going under the knife is very risky and dangerous, but people don’t seem to be aware nor take into consideration about the danger. Psychologists and surgeons are afraid that many patients do not completely understand and know the potential risks of the operations (Sheng, 2012). Cosmetic surgery and its risks and dangers come in one package, so it is prominent for those who are thinking to go under the knife to acknowledge them. The major risk or danger that are associated with cosmetic surgery is that pain and discomfort (Zemanta, 2013). Even though not every cosmetic surgery procedure leads to lack of physical comfort and ache, but many of them do. Although the patients’ ache and discomfort can be treated with pain medicines that they can get without prescription or an ice pack, it may disturb the patients’ daily activities. Moreover, the pain may be really painful that those teenagers cannot bear and end up won’t not be able to come to school to study. The chance that complication may be the result of cosmetic surgery is another danger (Zemanta, 2013). Most patients do not necessarily consider that complications may arise. When anesthesia is given to a patient, there is a possibility that the anesthesia used to put the patient to sleep for the procedure, could give a reaction to the patient (Palmer, 2006). Even though this happens relatively rare, it’s able to be life-threatening and even deadly. One famous case is the death of Kanye West’s Mother. She actually died from the anesthesia (Adato, 2007). Another certain thing that teenagers should know about what can happen if they are undergoing cosmetic surgery is, at the age of 18 and below, the body has not yet matured to its final shape (Mann, 2011). Procedures like breast enlargement, liposuction, and breast reduction are surgeries that should wait until reaching adulthood. Until 18, breasts might not be fully-grown, and saline-filled breast implants (the type typically used for cosmetic enhancements) arent even permitted for under-18s (, 2012). Having cosmetic surgery at young age may give them more risks. The scariest risk a patient should take into his/her consideration to have a cosmetic surgery procedure is death. Cosmetic surgery has been proven a killer. One of the famous cases is Stephanie Kuleba’s case. She was a pretty and popular girl who went for a breast augmentation. She died after suffering from the complications (Rivero, 2008). 1 in 1000 cosmetic surgery procedures in the United State of America results in complications, which lead to everlasting injury. Studies show that 7 to 12 percent of cosmetic surgery patients die from the procedure. 20 percent of patients suffer from injection and bleeding (Top 10 Hidden Dangers Of Cosmetic Surgery, n.d.). Hence, teenagers should be aware that cosmetic surgery is not as safe as most people believe it to be. Although the risks and dangers that come together with cosmetic surgery have been known, there are quite a number of people who are confident that cosmetic surgery is becoming safer and safer due to the increasingly strict policies and the improvement in technology (McGilchrist, 2011). They claim that todays regulations and policies for such operation are becoming more strict so it can only be done by professionals thus it is able to minimize the danger. Conversely, this argument is not completely true. The data and survey are shown and it only shows less than 25%, but it is still a big deal. There is always that chance to become a cosmetic surgery death statistic. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is strongly against the idea of teenagers younger than 18 undergo plastic surgery (Rivero, 2008). From every aspect, regardless to nowadays-cosmetic surgery’s safety that is becoming safer so there will be less risks and dangers, cosmetic surgery among teenagers is still a high-risk and dangerous thing. The evidence in this research obviously shows that there are a lot of teenagers have to suffer the bleeding and other complications that can lead them to the death after undergoing cosmetic surgery. A teenager’s live and future are priceless and worth more than $3,500 cosmetic surgery. 2.2 Teenagers Are Unaware of Evaluating Risks Teen or adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and psychological human development (Merriam-Webster, 2012). It is the stage when a teenager is too mature to be called and treated as a kid yet too young to be called as an adult. Teens are also known to be reckless, moody, impulsive, insecure, rebellious, and argumentative (Pickrell, 2006). They might think they are mature enough to make any decisions for themselves but sadly sometimes teenagers do not think further regarding the consequences of their actions. There is a high peer pressure that boosts them to be unafraid of doing risky things just to fit it and be accepted. Going through having doubts and insecurities about their body image is also a part of growing up that most teenagers experience. The society puts a huge significance on physical attractiveness (Wansbrough, 2013). Peer pressure to look â€Å"normal†and â€Å"good†is the driving force teens are interested in cosmetic surgery (Keyes, 2011). Britanni, a girl who had her breast implants on the age of 18 said â€Å"I didn’t have large breasts when I was younger, and all my friends did†¦I felt very self conscious about it.†(Wallace, 2012). 67% of average 14 years of age girls quizzed said the pressure is from boys and celebrities with perfect bodies (BBC News, 2005). Ms Horton said that the infinite parade of thin yet curvy, surgically-enhanced celebrities has made young girls obsessed with their own normal lumpy, bumpy bodies. More over, boys’ expectations on their girlfriends to look like the perfect celebrity body model are also the pressures (BBC News, 2005). Todays society introduces the miracle-makers as known as cosmetic surgery to teens at a young age as seeing the fact that according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, there are more than 223,000 cosmetic procedures were performed on patients whose age were between thirteen to eighteen years old for example; breast augmentation, liposuction, breast lifts, tummy tucks, and nose reshaping (Olding Zuckerman, 2004). It is undeniable, teen cosmetic surgery is on the rise. Unfortunately, the idea of having good physical appearance by going under the knife is not coupled by considering and evaluating the risks. Youngsters are not alert to the undeniable lasting health consequences of smoking, drinking alcohol, tanning and other dangerous behaviors, and nor likely to aware of the risks of cosmetic surgery (Keyes, 2011). They only see the magical outcome of cosmetic surgery as seen on celebrities on the cover of glossy magazines with their perfect breast, bottoms, lips, no se, eyes and everything (BBC News, 2005). They likely do not take into account the danger and risks of cosmetic surgery. They would likely to only believe that cosmetic surgery is the only way out to obtain physical perfection as the society ‘demand’. They are unable to evaluate risks as well as an adult. The scientists discovered that the teen’s brain is more sensitive to the rewarding indicators it gets when something better than expected happens. A nerve-signaling molecule that helps the brain in processing rewards and can be involved in addictions is called dopamine. The more dopamine flowing in the brain, the more likely a teenager to feel a risky behavior is more rewarding if it ends well, than it might seem to a child or adult (Discovery, 2013). However, some parties are against this idea. They claim that teenagers have every right to do whatever they want to do with their bodies. They should be able to make their own decision. To some extend, yes this is true. As humans, teenagers have the freedom to do anything as they please, but when it comes to do cosmetic surgery procedures, there are a lot to take into consideration as it will affect their physical looks permanently. The outcomes of cosmetic surgery are also various (BBC News, 2005). It can be just as what they expected but also can be far from their expectations. Cosmetic surgery is a big deal and teenagers are not reliable enough to make the decision. Teenagers are greatly affected by what they see in the media. They undergo unnecessary cosmetic surgeries to achieve the Barbie standard, but sometimes resulting in regret. In 2003, it was estimated that fifteen percent of teenage cosmetic surgeries in the US was due to misinformed decisions (Olding Zuckerman, 2004). Hence, it’s clearly shown from the facts, cosmetic surgery should be banned because many teenagers are unaware of evaluating the risks. Thus, a ban on teenagers of 18 and below should be put into place. 2.3 Teenagers Should Focus On Their Future Teen is the stage where the future is based on because in this stage teenagers are on their pursuit of anything they want to be. Most teenagers have goals to be achieved someday in the future. Achieving those goals and making dreams come true are more important and useful instead of enhancing physical appearances, which only skin deep. The significance of education can be explained very easy. Without education, it is difficult for human beings to survive properly. Through education, one’s potential can be utilized to maximum extent. Education teaches men how to make decision, how to work properly, and how to think. Through education alone can make separate identity. It became a necessity just like foods, clothes, and shelter. It is very usual for teenagers to wonder how their career will be. In the future, most people want to own a car, a house, and have family. Each of these things would not be easy to afford on a minimum wage salary. Many drop-outs have earned minimum wage and live just above the poverty line (Bloom Haskins, 2010). Therefore, through higher education, people will be brought to a bigger career opportunities and a higher payroll. Education is a productive and beneficial aspect in one’s life. The training of a human mind is not complete without education. All these facts clearly shows that there are many other things that are more important to be concerned about instead of enhancing physical appearances. Moreover, plastic surgery, just like drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes, it can be addictive especially if a patient starts at a young age (Pruitt, 2009). According to Tom Horvath, addiction is marked by three fundamental symptoms: repeated involvement in an activity; an act brought on by cravings; and one done despite negative consequences (Rettner, 2010). Most patients who have undergone cosmetic surgery and had a good outcome would most likely to go for another procedures hence it becomes continual. This could probably lead to even more demand for a nip here and a tuck there (Pruitt, 2009). One thing that most teenagers tend to forget these days is beauty is only skin-deep. What’s within them, which is their personality are more important than the physical looks. Beauty cannot be quantified or objectively measured; it is the result of the judgments of others. The concept is difficult to define, as it is equated with different, sometimes contradictory, ideas. When people are asked to define beauty, they tend to mention abstract, personal qualities rather than external, quantifiable ones (Freedman, 1986; Hatfield Sprecher, 1986). Beauty ideals are created and maintained by society’s elite (Saltzberg Chrisler, 1995). This does not mean that physical looks are not important, but this means that it’s not the most important thing and many other things are more important than that. Thus, it is wiser to concern more about the future than the physical looks. Hence, cosmetic surgery should be banned among teenagers. 3.0 RECOMMENDATION Look at how critical this issue at hand is, what the government should do is to establish age limitation to undergo plastic surgery. This plastic surgery refers to the unnecessary one not the reconstructive plastic surgery. Hence, only those who are ready physically and mentally can undergo cosmetic surgery procedures. Moreover, after going through so many researches, the root of teen’s cosmetic surgery has been discovered. It is low self-esteem due to society pressure on physical looks. Thus, creating a platform where teenagers are encouraged to showcase their skills and talents is important. Such skills and talents eventually will be an asset that they are proud of. Instead of being acknowledged by their peers through their looks, they could actually gain the acknowledgment through their achievement. In a nutshell, these achievements will replace the needs to polish their appearance in particular by having cosmetic surgery. Moreover, teenagers also should be educated how scary and dangerous the dangers of cosmetic surgery that’s why it requires a lot of thinking and taking all consequences into account when making decision to go under the knife. 4.0 CONCLUSION As it can clearly be seen, teen cosmetic surgery is highly dangerous and risky as the patient has a great possibility to suffer from bleeding and complications after doing the procedures. This may cause them to lose their lives. Moreover, teenagers are likely unrealistic decision makers because they do not take into account further bad possibilities that may occur from post cosmetic surgery. Nevertheless, as a teenager, one should focus and be putting their concentration on building up their future and achieving long-term goals instead of enhancing their physical appearances. Thus, it is prominent to ban unnecessary cosmetic surgery among teenagers. Although there is a great improvement in technology and teenagers have their rights to do anything they want to do, there are still many possibilities a patient to die from the procedures. So, it is wiser to give the teenagers some kind of protection by banning teen cosmetic surgery. References BBC News. (2005). 40% of teens want plastic surgery. Retrieved from Bloom, D. Haskins, R. 2010. Helping High School Drop-Outs Improve Their Prospect. Retrieved from Conley, Mikaela. (2012). Nip/Tuck Nations: 7 Countries with Most Cosmetic Surgery. Retrieved from Discovery. (2013). Teen brain wired to take risks. Retrieved from Writers. (n.d.). Are teens too young to go under the
Friday, September 20, 2019
Organizational strategy of Samsung
Organizational strategy of Samsung In the current volatile business industry marketing plays a vital and significant role and it is a process or method to create, deliver, exchange and communicate with customers and clients. It is the mechanism that identifies the requirements, needs, expectations of a particular customer base and creates methods and offerings to satisfy that customer base. In the current situation the complete business is customer-centric and the marketing revolves around satisfying the customer at every possible opportunity. Whatever the company offer should be based on the needs of the customer, it may be a product or can be a service or it can be both. When an organization offers both service and product, it can be termed as solution that plays vital role in strategic marketing. Samsung electronics is one of the biggest players in the electronics industry world that was established in 1969 had spread its wings over 50 countries worldwide and has workforce of more than 66000 and ranks at 131st on the list of Global Fortune 500. This paper aims to evaluate the marketing strategy of Samsung Electronics in the global television industry using the available theories and concepts. Company Background Samsung one of the greatest brands available in the market aims to secure the world leadership in the industry and earn devastating competitive strength by synchronizing the development and manufacturing of product, design, marketing and sales. The organization is well known for its great accomplishment in the industry of semiconductors based on memory. Samsung maintains its high position in the industry continuously from 1992 maintaining its top rank and stretch its financial structure throughout the industry to maintain itself as a number one company in the industry of mobile phones, semiconductors, monitors, computer gadgets, televisions, TFT and LCD screens. It also achieved 4th place in the semiconductor industry and sixth place in the mobile gadget industry by selling huge volumes. Importance and the use of information in their marketing strategy It is the era of information age and the information plays a vital and unavoidable role in any field exceptionally in the marketing industry. There is a great need for the managers to incorporate loads of data, convert it into information, construct decisions on the information and then compose decisions to lead them to achieve greater success in the business For any business, information is also considered as significant resource required same like money, machinery and manpower. Information is must and crucial for the survival of the organization in the varying business industry. Previously before the computer age, it was difficult for the companies to gather, store, maintain, organise and distribute huge volumes of information and data. The growth of computer and information technology helped the managers and organizations to effectively handle the information available. Managers are able to get the current information at required time in an accurate manner. And another great advantage is that the information can be accessed by many people at the same time accurately, completely that is organized and storable. The information system is the method that makes sure the information is presented to the managers in the form they expect it and when they expect it helping them to support their effort by giving appropriate information for their decision-making. Computers or Information Technology can evidently help companies in processing information and data in a accurate and well presented manner that is timely, relevantly and completely. All kind business organizations now a days have some kind information maintenance system either it may for accounting or stock control or market monitoring. The supremacy technology changed the function of information in the business. The complete business world acknowledged the information aslifeblood. Papows (1998) accredited that the modern organization is dead without Information. Samsung as a strong business leader accepted the fact and had given priority to the process of information throughout the organization at every stage. To gain from its Managing information System and Information Technology, Samsung addressed information needs not only in its environment but also in their relationships with customers, suppliers, trade partners, Production systems, work processes, skills and labour requirement. These advancements of Samsung have created huge and complex processes and information systems, thereby creating a requirement to align them to have a universal overview of the complete information system setting it as a strategic tool. According to American Marketing Association (AMA), 2007 marketing can be defined as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Marketing people of various organizations endeavour to get the perfect goods or services to the correct people at the perfect place at the accurate time at the right price, utilizing the proper promotion techniques. This explains how marketing managers organize the several factors that eventually decide marketing success. For this, organizations must have timely decision-making information. The significance of efficient marketing changes heavily in respect to the market in which a firm operates. It also depends on the important competences existing within the company. These competences will offer the current market information based on which decisions can be taken quickly. Corporate strategy depends deeply on the scrutiny of such information. Samsung aims to achieve the world leadership and accomplish great competitive strength. It is targeting to coordinate design and development of product, manufacturing, sales and marketing with effective information management. Samsungs marketing strategy related to their overall organisational strategy Slogan of Samsung Company says that Everyones invited explains its vast marketing strategy, with a huge range of products. As per the market researches, the main strengths of Samsung are identified as Strong global business network Huge credibility of Brand Name Innovative changes and inspiring new styles The awards it is continuously receiving Samsung has strong global present with its service and sales caters locating in 4 different countries. Samsung can utilize its strengths available as major threats to other organizations. Samsung can effortlessly improve its image the by the promotional Adds and quality products. Viewing ahead, Samsungs vision is to turn out to be a leading company of the digital convergence revolution. The next generation will be a time where the Internet, wireless communications, networked systems and contents will be united. Various forms of convergence technology that link conventional stand-alone appliances through networks will be developed. Samsung Electronics vision for the new decade is, Inspire the World, Create the Future. This new vision statement mirrors Samsung Electronics dedication to stimulating its communities by accelerating its three key strengths: New Technology, Innovative Products, and Creative Solutions. And to advance new value for Samsungs core networks such as Industry Partners and Employees. Through these efforts, Samsung hopes to contribute to a better world and a richer experience for all. (, 2010) SAMSUNG Vision Statement Source: [accessed on 20/07/2010] The main aim of the strategy of any business organization is growth (Chandler, 1962; Penrose, 1959). Even for Samsung, this growth is the main competence. The diagram above explains its motto of creating future in its industry and wants to be a leader. So Samsungs vision is clear. Samsungs strategic methods can be classified in to organic growth and alliances based on strategic. Organic growth According to (2010) Organic growth is the growth that is achieved by the companys existing business by increasing output and enhance sales (Investopedia, 2009 Moneyterms, 2010). Organic growth lets a firm to extend market position over the long term and helps to accomplish growth much cheaper than merger and acquisitions and is well suitable growing organizations (Coyle, 2000). This suits well with Samsung present strategic position as it is one of the market leader and has all the measures to extend into other markets. Moreover, though Samsung has huge cash reserves, organic growth permits cash reserves to be focused on other important factors such as Research and Development. At last, the external environmental analysis shows growth in the television market and the complete industry. But only the organic growth is not sufficient for an organization. Even though it is stable that is not enough when entering in to a new market in a new country. When entering in to a new country a strong understanding of local market is necessary that can be achieved only through local strategic alliances. Strategic Alliances A COPAC Commissioned Study defines (2000) Strategic Alliance as a formal and mutually agreed partnership arrangement that links specific facets of two or more enterprises or organizations. It is a mutual arrangement and understanding that allows partners to accomplish goals mutually that they could not accomplish alone. Strategic alliances are normally seen as methods for generating strong and efficient mode for competing in a globalized business. Bleeke and Ernst (1992) explain this as a formal relationship between two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed upon goals while remaining independent organisations. From 2001, Samsung has undergone with 29 various alliances (, 2010). They also accredit that the alliances are the best possible ways to enter in to the new market. With the new alliances Samsung may not learn anything new as they are very strong in technology and innovation. Further Analysis of Current Strategies Porter (1980) argue there are three fundamental strategic options available for companies that are looking for achievement of competitive advantage; they are Cost Leadership, Differentiation and Focus. This is explained in Porters Generic Strategies (Porter, 1985) Samsung comes under the category of Cost Leadership strategy as it augments profits by dropping costs, while charging low prices in the industry. Cost Leadership can be considered as one of the core competencies of Samsung. Apart from the cost leadership, Differentiation strategy also appropriate to Samsung as the company in continuously involved in inventing the technologies. So, Samsungs strategy is a combination of both cost leadership and differentiation strategy. Bowmans Strategic Clock (1997) is the other method used regularly to evaluate strategic options. It sees at professed additional value by the customer in opposition to price. Based on this Samsungs strategy can be explained to be mostly Hybrid. This refers to a strategy which is low cost to the consumer but still differentiated. Samsungs new 3D and Interactive TV Samsung, an industry leader for flat-screen TVs, will begin promoting its 3DTVs on 21 March in the US, before rolling out the activity globally in April. Mintzberg et al (2005) stated the Competitive advantage of an organization is usually recognized as the managements capability to set the companys assets adjacent to some external context. This can be termed as (Porter, 2004) external environment for a specific company. This external environment sets the means of survival for any company (Johnson et al, 2008:54). So, it is vital for the companies to understand this environment. This paper will look at the macro environment of Samsung using PESTEL analysis, then the Industrial environment where it operates, and finally at Competitors mainly utilizing Porters five forces model (Porter, 2004:6). It is also important to analyse the external environment of the firm to understand the opportunities and threats to achieve a strategic competitiveness. This consists of a general environmental, market, five forces analysis and competitors analysis. SWOT analysis is a prospective forecasting technique that helps to evaluate the match between opportunities and capabilities of the firm in the competitive environment. External environment The macro and industry environments will now be looked at to assess the strategic position of Samsung. Social Factors Current generation of people have strong passion and obsession for new innovative technology. Electronics industry plays a vital role in fulfilling this obsession. Children watching late night programs and getting addition to TV programs that reduces their interest towards games and studies is an important social factor. Technological Factors The electronics industry has been considered as one of the largely growing (Sixto, 2003) with low product life cycles (Mathews, 2005) that have show the way to global revenues. A 3D TV set is a special viewing TV device that utilizes 3D techniques of appearance that projects a TV program into a realistic three-dimensional field. The technology is brand new to TV industry that further reduces people going to Cinemas. Samsung is leading the industry with another milestone of new innovative Technology. Political Factors Political factors have an enormous control on the regulation of businesses that comprises of regulations forced by the government under which businesses should operate. As per the research the political environment in United Kingdom is said to pretty stable. Polices structured by the new conservative government like taxation, Cutting the Public spending and decision to raise petrol prices will have tough impact on the buying power of individuals. Additionally, the industrial policies of Korea also plays very important role for assisting international competitiveness to transfer technology in swap for market access (Kim, 1997). Economic Factors The economic factors plays very critical and significant role in marketing the 3D TV. The recession or down turn of economy reduced the spending power of individual. U.K economy is endangered by the financial downturn. As the unemployment rate increases customers passion for new technology may be sidelined. Sales has been continuously depreciating and the exchange rate is all time low that will increase the importing prices. Environmental Factors Consumers are having more awareness towards environmental and expecting increased energy efficiency, minor or no emission of dangerous radiation (Tarr, 2009; EE Times-Asia, 2009). Legal Factors Intellectual property is becoming a critical and important in the industry. There are huge chances conflicts can happen like the resent famous Apples conflict with Googles Nexus One regarding a patent issue. Samsung itself won a dispute recently in opposition to sharp regarding a patents issue that was initiated in the year 2007(Wall Street Journal, 2009). Legislations about local employee rights, Taxation and Intellectual Property will advance influence on Samsungs strategic decisions. Swot analysis STRENGTHS Strong international experience. Strong global business network Huge credibility of Brand Name Innovative changes and inspiring new styles The awards it is continuously receiving OPPORTUNITIES New technology 2012 Olympics offers an plenty of opportunity to get more sales Offering more models with stylish and individuality. The consumer will have the real entertainment for the money. WEAKNESSES Perception of High Prices Customers disinterest Buyer sophistication and knowledge Substitute products or technologies Very less availability of 3D viewing content THREATS New existing competition Price volatility Economic recession or financial downturn Extremely huge competition for customers and resources 6 Five Forces Analysis This analysis discusses five competitive forces related to the new product of Samsung Industry Competitors: Sony, Panasonic and LG. All are bigger players in the industry The competition is very High Buyers Individuals and families with high passion for technology And reasons for buying is Young passion mind, affluent professionals, status maintainers *Threat of New Entrants *Threat not significant as already many established players in the market and required a significant initial network, resources and investment Suppliers Bargaining power is low Substitutes Wide verity of TV models including Plasma, LCDs and digital TVs. Electronics Gadgets like smart phones, gamers and computers are also affect the new 3D Force Strength Trend Comments Entry Low Changing New entries are less. Suppliers Low Changing Suppliers cant negotiate prices Buyers Medium Increasing Overall consumers have medium bargaining power but generally it should be a win-win situation. Substitutes High Not Changing There are huge substitutes available at the present time. Like smart phones, Plasma, LCDs and gamers Rivalry High Increasing The competition is very high with SONY, Panasonic and LG are planning to launch the 3D TVs Lower Threat of New Entrants Threat from new companies entering in to the business is low as huge requirement of capital and Samsung have huge research and marketing process along with the proven productive process. It also has the strong brand name and best product differentiation. Overall the threat is minor. Low Bargaining Power of Suppliers Many competitive suppliers are available in the industry. The suppliers of Samsung have low switching cost and product differentiation (Lee, 2006). Overall the bargaining power of suppliers is low. The price increasing of raw materials can be easily passed on to the consumers. So the overall bargaining power of suppliers is low. Medium Bargaining power of Customers Bargaining power of customers is medium as very little range of products available in the 3D TV marketing industry. High Threat of Substitute Products There are huge number of substitutes are available for this product like Plasma TVs, LCD TVs, Mobile gadgets like smart phones, gamers, computers and laptops. Competitive Rivalry within the Industry High Overall, rivalry is high with many diverse competitors. LG, the worlds No. 2 Television brand by revenue, has put a destructive sales target for 3D TVs, planning to construct a leadership position in an emerging market where rivalry is expected to heat up. In 2010, LG targeted to sell 400,000 3D Televisions and in the next year it aims more than 3.4 million, the South Korean company announced in a news conference on 15th Tuesday December, 2009(, 2010). Electronics giant Sony is also planning to launch and leverage its power in 3D TVs business. Sony said in a press conference that it is expecting 3D TVs to account for up to 50 per cent of its total TV sales by March 2013 (, 2010). Panasonic also launched its plans to roll out 3D TVs in 2010 (, 2010). Source: Segmentation The new generation 3D TV is initially targeted at the high class and technology lovers. The initial price of the 3D TV is very high. The Marketing Mix Marketing mix is an essential notion in current marketing and rationally it is referred to as the set of convenient tools that the organization combines to create the response it wants in the target market, so it consists of everything the firm can do to influence the demand for its product (Kotler and Armstrong, 2004). Marketing is about projecting the correct product at the correct price in the accurate way to the accurate customers. This is how value is added. Getting a product in to the market involves balancing numerous significant ingredients, i.e. the 4Ps of the Marketing Mix: Product, Price, Promotion and Place. Product The Next generation 3D TV is new innovative product. In simpler terms, the product includes all features of innovation to provide true entertainment to its customers. The 3D televisions were voiced as the biggest innovation in the television history with combination of highest performance and stylish design. With the Samsung 3D TV the customer will have the prospect of enjoying TV programs in 3D sitting at home and viewing TV will never be the same as the audience will be able to enjoy and experience the feel of their favourite stars of sports, film and TV leap off their TV in to the living room right before them. Samsung is proposes a series of 3D-capable TVs, including the LED 7000/8000/9000 Series, LCD 750 Series and the Plasma 7000/8000 Series (, 2010) Price Pricing is principally fixing a specific price for a product or service offered. In simple words, Kotler and Armstrong (2004) explain the perception of price to obtain the product. Fixing a price is not something simple. Normally in general law people argue that a small price will draw additional customers. The argument is not true. Because customers not only look for price alone. The customers expect a proper service and value for the money that he pays. They act in response to value so a lesser price does not essentially signify stretched sales if the product is not fulfilling the expectation of the customers (Lazer, 1971). The price for the 3D brands starts from  £1600 to  £2000. The price is not so competent. Placement Samsung unveiled its prestigious 3D TV brands globally in the major countries like US, UK, Australia and china. The product is launched in all the major stores like John Lewis, Currys etc. Promotion The promotion takes the form of a new Starter Kit that offers U.S. consumers the chance to enjoy 3D movies in their own living rooms, rather than having to head to nearest cinema to check out the eye-popping action. Samsung utilized the FIFA Football World Cup to publicize several value-added bundles along with its new 3D TV ranges. Fresh buyers were offered bundled 3D movies, home theatre systems and Blu-ray players. People who procure certain Samsung 3D TV models from dealers all over the country will have the chance to seize the Bonus 3D bundle. This includes Samsung 3D Blu-ray player and two sets of rechargeable 3D glasses. Apart from this Bonus 3D bundle, customers are also entitled to obtain a Bonus 3D TV starter kit that includes 3D Blu-ray Disc of DreamWorks Animation SKGs hit movie, Monsters vs. Aliens, and An additional two sets of battery powered 3D glasses. Source: (accessed on 25/07/10) Apart from these bundled promotional offers, Samsung has launched a strong advertisement campaign for its range of 3D TVs. The TV advertisement campaign is worth of  £8 Million that runs over 3 months. Apart from the TV advertisement, it has also launched  £7 million print media advertisements (, 2010) Target Market Samsung should aim both the high-end market segment as well as low-end market segment because in both areas there are opportunities. The international brands like Sony, Panasonic, LG, Philips and Sharp have more than 75 percentage share of the high-end market segment globally. Samsung being an international brand, it can easily step in both the high-end and low-end marketing segment because of its overall knowledge and ability to invest in the market. Market research firm Generator Research(2010) forecasts a major update of the novel 3D TV technology globally, showing that by the year of 2014 the business share for 3D sets is predicted to reach over 39% and the market will value more than $117billion (, 2010). In reference to another market research organization, DisplaySearch (2010), the 3D TV market is predicted to increase from the year 2008s value of $ 902 million to $ 22 billion in 2018. particularly, the 3D TV business is predicted to grow to $ 17-billion, and the number of units expected to sale will increase to 64 million in the year of 2018 from 200,000 units in 2009 (, 2010). Globally, in the year of 2010, it is expected that there will be approximately 4.2 million 3D TVs will be sold as all the major players like Samsung, SONY, Panasonic, LG and sharp are entering in the business. The value is expected to triple to 12.9 million in the next year itself according to a new market research. Above said figures looks like huge but the fact is that the above stated figures are just a fraction of the original LCD TV sale. On the other hand, it is expected that by 2012, 27.4 million 3DTelevisions will be sold globally and by the year of 2015 the value is expected to 78.1 million units. This shows an enormous composite annual growth of 80.2% between 2010 and 2015. The figures show that the 3D Televisions here for growth and may replace all the existing TVs in near future. Samsung, however, is ready to lead in this Age as it will use its strengths in semiconductor, telecommunications and consumer electronics technology to develop innovative multi-capable products and create powerful networks that will empower the user for anytime, anywhere communications and a higher quality of life.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Uniforms In School :: essays research papers
Uniforms In School Uniforms should definitely be used in school systems. Everything about it makes sense. Not everyone is going to be happy about it at first, but they will slowly but surely adjust. Uniforms free students of the stress on what to wear in the morning. I usually have that problem, as well as my brother. Uniforms also relieve the tension, or "break the ice", when new students come in, since they will be wearing the same thing. This will benefit both the new student and the class as a whole. The uniforms will build a sense of unity within the school. Instead of everyone as a separate "team", everyone will be in the same "team". This will benefit the whole school. Uniforms free students of the stress on what to wear in the morning. Many students, including myself, stand in front of their closets and just stare, trying to decide on what kind of shirt to wear as well as what kind of pants or shorts. The uniforms will speed up the morning "getting-up" process, thus reducing tardiness in school that I know is a problem in my first period class. The enforcement of uniforms will relieve the tension between the new students and the students that are already there. The uniforms will expedite the process of making new friends for the new student since the uniforms will help the new student feel a sense of "belonging". This helps the majority of the school becoming friends with each other. This obviously helps the class and also the school as a whole, as there will be less fights and controversy between students. Uniforms will build a sense of unity within the school. The students will feel they are a part of one whole team charging toward their ultimate goal: graduation and college. The sense of unity will bring more fans and support for sports events and help the school financially.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Causes of the Cold War - Post-Revisionist :: American America History
Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signified, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold but not clothed." There was never a war that this idea can be more correct applied to than the Cold War. According to noted author and Cold War historian Walter Lippman, the Cold War can be defined as a state of tension between states, which behave with great distrust and hostility towards each other, but do not resort to violence. The Cold War encompasses a period from the end of the Second World War (WWII), in 1945, to the fall of the Soviet Union, in 1989. It also encompassed the Korean and Vietnam Wars and other armed conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, that, essentially, were not wars for people but instead for territories and ideologies. "Nevertheless, like its predecessors, the Cold War has been a worldwide power contest in which one expanding power has threatened to make itself predominant, and in which other powers have banded together in a defensive coalition to frustrate it---as was the case before 1815, as was the case in 1914-1918 as was the case from 1939-1945" (Halle 9). From this power contest, the Cold War erupted. In April 1945, Russian forces that had been triumphant at Stalingrad had pushed the German forces back into Germany and American and British forces that had been victorious in their invasion of Normandy did the same; they met at the Elbe River in central Germany (Lukacs 17). Europe was separated into two independent halves, one Russian occupied and the other American; from this division, the Cold War emerged. "When a power vacuum separates great powers, as one did the United States and the Soviet Union at the end of World War II, they are unlikely to fill it without bumping up against and bruising each other" (Gaddis). This 'bumping' and 'bruising' caused the tensions and hostilities that surfaced in the years following WWII. There are three doctrines examining the origins of the Cold War: Orthodox, the belief that "the intransigence of Leninist ideology, the sinister dynamics of a totalitarian society, and the madness of Stalin" (McCauley 88) caused the Cold War; Revisionist, the id ea that "American policy offered the Russians no real choice...either acquiesce to American proposals or be confronted with American power or hostility" (McCauley 90) and thus, America caused the war; and the
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Premodern Religion
Paul Lambert Hum 251 Professor Horten 9 / 26 / 2012 The Facade of Pre-Modern Religion During the pre-modern age there was perhaps no larger an aspect of everyday life than religion. Today’s day and age is a stark contrast, as religion has for the most part taken a backseat in importance. From the pre-modern age to now, religion has changed completely. Pre-modern religion held political power locally, and all across Europe. Today religion holds a mostly spiritual power for the truly devout.This essay will discover the role and importance that religion played in the pre-modern age, and how it permeated the lives of those living in it. In pre-modern times there wasn’t a diverse society like the one we currently live in. In the pre-modern age everybody had their own role in the community. In this feudal society, there was very little opportunity for advancement. Because of the lack of education at this time people only had a few skills, which they would put to use to make a living. Most people were farmers who worked the land most of their lives to provide food for their village, and family.There were others that had specialty skills, who may have been a blacksmith, or a shoe maker; but what they all had in common was that they were all hard workers, who had hard lives. In a pre-modern village the noble family, or the wealthiest families, would have presided over the village. These nobles would have essentially ruled over the villages and made sure things ran smoothly. About the only chance of becoming something other than a craftsman, or farmer, was to be born into one of these noble families.If you were privileged you could become a knight, but many of these people would become clergy. These clergy were one of the biggest aspects of the pre-modern society. Each village had a church, and that church was the main center of community life. The priests or clergymen were at the center of this as well. The clergy played the role of intermediary to God. Th ese men were also some of the only educated people around, although their education may have been still somewhat limited. In addition to the church, the clergy would have run the monastery.Monasteries were multifaceted facilities where the sick in the community could be cared for, the poor fed, and where monks would have studied, and also made copies of books. Clergy would have been at the head of religious ceremonies, as we saw in â€Å"The Return of Martin Guerre,†where at his marriage the priest performs the actual marriage ceremony; along with blessing of the bride and groom so that they may be fertile and produce many children. The largest role that clergy would have played though would have been as the spiritual leader of the community.One of the biggest differences between religion in pre-modern times and today was the public nature of personal religious faith. Today our own personal religious beliefs are usually kept to yourself, unless you are talking with someone c lose to you, or are having a theological discussion. In pre-modern life everyone was religious, and your religious beliefs were a public matter. At a time when the mass public is so vastly uneducated, the need for counsel with clergy was in high demand.As we read in the book â€Å"Year of Wonders,†the local clergyman, Michael Mompellion, from the beginning of the book, because of his role of clergy, is always being asked for help. In the beginning of the book Anna has to work hard to keep Miss Bradford from bursting into the rectory to seek out the counsel of the Rector, Mompellion. Until the end of the book when we see Mompellion’s true colors show through, he does seem like a very good, level headed, leader for the community.Although his actual holiness may have been more of an act, due to some of his strange actions throughout the book; it seems that the village may not have made it through the plague without his leadership, both spiritual and actual. Michael Mompe llion is the one who first suggests that the village must quarantine themselves to prevent the spread of the plague to other villages. He is the one who stands up to the wealthy Bradford family, warning them of the potential for spreading the plague if they leave the village.In this confrontation Mompellion is shown to have the best interests of not only the village, but others surrounding by stating â€Å"but think of those you are putting at risk†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (110). This is in stark contrast to Colonel Bradford whose family is looked up to in the village doesn’t take the responsibility of staying and setting an example for the rest of them. Colonel Bradford clearly states his main concern, â€Å"The colonel replied coldly. â€Å"I am merely doing what any man of means and sense must do: safeguarding what is mine. †(110).Mompellion is also shown to give tremendous spiritual leadership. Mompellion in his sermon to the village; embraces the plague, as a test from God . He implores the village to view the plague in the same way. Mompellion states that the plague has brought God nearer to the village than ever before, and perhaps as close as he will ever come in all of their lives. Mompellion tests their faith in God here, and even though most of the villagers stay, their behavior afterwards is less than holy. Throughout the book Anna and Elinor Mompellion tend to the needs of the villagers.The two help with births, and when villagers begin to fall ill, they tend to them until death; and Michael Mompellion tends to their spiritual needs. Michael Mompellion is never cast in the holiest of holies light from the beginning. In the first interaction we see him in he tells Miss Bradford to go to hell. Mompellion also takes advantage of vulnerable Anna towards the end of the book after his wife is murdered, and sleeps with her. Mompellion is seen taking advantage of his position in the community; even what relatively small power he does have, which is ve ry small compared to the Catholic Church of the time.The Catholic Church played probably the biggest role in religion in the pre-modern age. At the head of this church was the Pope. In the Catholic Church the Pope acted as a king. Cardinals came second in the hierarchy. The power of the Catholic Church saturated the pre-modern day. Although Europe was still made up of many different countries, the Catholic Church essentially over powered the political will of any one country. The Pope especially had an almost unlimited power both politically and religiously. The role of the Pope was to act as an intermediary to God on earth.This led to the uneducated pre-modern people of the time to blindly follow most if not all commands that came from the Pope. In addition to having the power of a king, the Pope pursued power and wealth as if he were one. Over time the Catholic Church amassed land and wealth. The Pope was anything but holy by taking advantage of his perceived power of intermediary to God. The Catholic Church furthered their power over the pre-modern people by perpetuating a view of God as a brutal enforcer, who dealt out punishment for sin with very little mercy.The church emphasized fearing God. This kept the people obeying the rule of the church, and the Pope. This rule continued for the most part until the reformation. At this time large gothic cathedrals began to be built. These churches were very tall, with thick stone walls, and large stained glass windows. The cathedrals were designed to give the pre-modern people a sense of the presence of God inside, and a sense of the power and majesty of the Catholic Church by the sheer size on the outside.Religion played a major role in the lives of pre-modern people in Europe. For whatever reason it may have been; fear of the Catholic Church, or excommunication, a desire to fit in, or just plain old true belief. I believe it was a little bit of all of those factors. But the role of religion in pre-modern life di d have several key functions for those clergy in power. It allowed them to be an inspiration to the people they overlooked. In the case of Michael Mompellion, he was the one who kept the cool head in the face of impending danger.That religious power was also easy to take advantage of, and led to the search for more wealth, land, and political power. By using the people’s belief that the Pope was really chosen by God as his voice on earth, the Catholic Church was able to hide behind their religious office, and make people think they were doing good, when in fact it was only a facade. Works Cited Vigne, Daniel, dir. Le Retour de Martin Guerre. 1982. Film. 11 Sep 2012. Brooks, Geraldine. Year of Wonders. New York: Viking Penguin, 2001. Print. Horten, Gerd. â€Å"Pre-Modern Age . †Concordia University, Portland. 9/5-14/2012. Lecture.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Muse Of A Nurse In 1916 –
It was going to be an ordinary afternoon, the 7th of July 191 6_ Ever since It was declared that war had begun on the 28th of July, the whole country had been busting and screaming at the thought of the combat. Most men were Jumping at the idea of volunteering, bragging about their strength and how it will all end by Christmas. I would have liked to have thought that, but I simply didnt have the luxury. My father was 47; too old to be enlisted. He was married anyway, so he couldn't.The war had been on-going for little less than 2 years. A letter came through the post this morning addressed to me, but I had neglected to read It, as I had to be at the local hospital to tend to some accidents that had occurred on the railway. By the time I got back, I was itching to read it. I had to do chores first, however, before I could even look at the letter. Ironing, feeding the chickens and pigs, pulling up the potatoes, checking Jimmy hasnt grazed his knees alling out of the tree and then clean ing out the hay in the stables.It took about three hours, which was infuriating. To top it all off, Jimmy insisted on getting yet another demonstration on how to climb the oak tree. He's only 9, bless him, and he Just cant seem to get the hang of keeping the strength in his arms and wrists. â€Å"Jimmy, I don't really want to do this right now†¦ †I told him, trying to pry him off my hip. He was about half my size, since he's 9 and I'm 23.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Ethics Case Study
Jerry McCall is an office assistant for Dr. William’s. Jerry has received training as both a medical assistant and Licensed practical nurses (LPN). During the time the receptionist is out to lunch Jerry is covering for her. Jerry is faced with a common problem in the health care field today. Jerry has been asked to call in a refill for Valium to a pharmacy for a patient. This paper will address why Jerry is not qualified to refill any prescription medication. If Jerry is protected if a lawsuit is filled.Jerry’s decision is a tough one, legal and ethical issues and advice will be provided for Jerry’s use. Jerry has received training as a medical assistant and a LPN and has gained knowledge about prescription drugs. Jerry knows that with his training he is not allowed to refill a prescription medication. Jerry knows that Valium is an addictive drug. Jerry is not allowed to refill this prescription because he is not a medical doctor, dentist, or a psychologist.Jerry has training for a LPN and knows that no matter what type of medication a patient is asking him to refill he is not allowed to. If there are no more refills on the prescription bottle the only thing Jerry can do in this position is to schedule the patient for an appointment with the physician. The patient is asking for a refill for Valium but could also ask for a refill for high blood pressure medication. If the patient has to call because he or she is out of refills on the prescription bottle needs to renew the prescription which can only be done by a medical doctor.The doctrine of respondent superior is defined that the employer is liable for the employee’s actions (Farlex, INC, 2011). If a lawsuit is filled Jerry may possibly be protected. The reading did not state if Jerry carried his own malpractice insurance or just relayed on his employer’s insurance. If Jerry does have his own malpractice insurance he would know that his insurance will pay an attorney to repre sent him before the Board of Nursing (Mackay, 2006). Jerry could have a lawsuit filed on him if he does refill the Valium and possible even if he does not refill it.Knowing more about the choice Jerry made and what type of malpractice insurance he carried would help to answer the question (if a lawsuit is filed would Jerry be protected? ). For anyone in Jerry’s shoes it is hard to take advice and feel that the outcome would be for the best interest of the organization. Jerry needs to understand that he could lose his job and nursing license. Jerry should explain to the patient that he is not allowed to refill prescription medication and he should explain to the patient that he is also that the aware of the situation that he is flying out of town.Jerry should tell the patient that by making sure that he or she was prepared for travels ahead of time. After Jerry gets off the phone with the patient, he should go see Dr. Williams and explain to Dr. Williams what happened between the patient and himself. In conclusion if more health care professionals put into practice the concept of non-maleficence which is embodied by the phrase, to â€Å"first, do no harm,†or in the Latin, phrase â€Å"primum non nocere (McGraw Hill Science and Technology Dictionary2011). If more health care facilities considered non-maleficence to be the main or primary consideration (â€Å"to done harm†) taking in consideration that it is more important to protect all patients for their safety and wellbeing instead of enthusiastic practitioners being more prone to using treatments that they believe will do the most good, without first conducting an adequately evaluation on the patient to ensure they do no harm to the patient (McGraw Hill Science and Technology Dictionary2011).A great deal of has been done to patients as a result of inadequate evaluations. Therefore, it would be more important to do no harm to a patient than it would to do good so, my advice to Jerry woul d be to tell the patient that he cannot call in the prescription and assure the patient that he will let the physician know of the patient’s needs and the physician can take care of them as soon as possible (McGraw Hill Science and Technology Dictionary2011). Ethics Case Study Jerry McCall is an office assistant for Dr. William’s. Jerry has received training as both a medical assistant and Licensed practical nurses (LPN). During the time the receptionist is out to lunch Jerry is covering for her. Jerry is faced with a common problem in the health care field today. Jerry has been asked to call in a refill for Valium to a pharmacy for a patient. This paper will address why Jerry is not qualified to refill any prescription medication. If Jerry is protected if a lawsuit is filled.Jerry’s decision is a tough one, legal and ethical issues and advice will be provided for Jerry’s use. Jerry has received training as a medical assistant and a LPN and has gained knowledge about prescription drugs. Jerry knows that with his training he is not allowed to refill a prescription medication. Jerry knows that Valium is an addictive drug. Jerry is not allowed to refill this prescription because he is not a medical doctor, dentist, or a psychologist.Jerry has training for a LPN and knows that no matter what type of medication a patient is asking him to refill he is not allowed to. If there are no more refills on the prescription bottle the only thing Jerry can do in this position is to schedule the patient for an appointment with the physician. The patient is asking for a refill for Valium but could also ask for a refill for high blood pressure medication. If the patient has to call because he or she is out of refills on the prescription bottle needs to renew the prescription which can only be done by a medical doctor.The doctrine of respondent superior is defined that the employer is liable for the employee’s actions (Farlex, INC, 2011). If a lawsuit is filled Jerry may possibly be protected. The reading did not state if Jerry carried his own malpractice insurance or just relayed on his employer’s insurance. If Jerry does have his own malpractice insurance he would know that his insurance will pay an attorney to repre sent him before the Board of Nursing (Mackay, 2006). Jerry could have a lawsuit filed on him if he does refill the Valium and possible even if he does not refill it.Knowing more about the choice Jerry made and what type of malpractice insurance he carried would help to answer the question (if a lawsuit is filed would Jerry be protected? ). For anyone in Jerry’s shoes it is hard to take advice and feel that the outcome would be for the best interest of the organization. Jerry needs to understand that he could lose his job and nursing license. Jerry should explain to the patient that he is not allowed to refill prescription medication and he should explain to the patient that he is also that the aware of the situation that he is flying out of town.Jerry should tell the patient that by making sure that he or she was prepared for travels ahead of time. After Jerry gets off the phone with the patient, he should go see Dr. Williams and explain to Dr. Williams what happened between the patient and himself. In conclusion if more health care professionals put into practice the concept of non-maleficence which is embodied by the phrase, to â€Å"first, do no harm,†or in the Latin, phrase â€Å"primum non nocere (McGraw Hill Science and Technology Dictionary2011). If more health care facilities considered non-maleficence to be the main or primary consideration (â€Å"to done harm†) taking in consideration that it is more important to protect all patients for their safety and wellbeing instead of enthusiastic practitioners being more prone to using treatments that they believe will do the most good, without first conducting an adequately evaluation on the patient to ensure they do no harm to the patient (McGraw Hill Science and Technology Dictionary2011).A great deal of has been done to patients as a result of inadequate evaluations. Therefore, it would be more important to do no harm to a patient than it would to do good so, my advice to Jerry woul d be to tell the patient that he cannot call in the prescription and assure the patient that he will let the physician know of the patient’s needs and the physician can take care of them as soon as possible (McGraw Hill Science and Technology Dictionary2011).
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Book Review Why We Don’t Listen Essay
James C. Peterson, author of Why Don’t We Listen Better? Communicating & Connecting in Relationships, through trial and error learned the value of communication balancing in which he found that the counselor must listen awhile, talk until the other person stops hearing and then listen until the person calms enough to hear again. (Peterson, 2007 Pg. 5) This concept is enlarged into a process in which Peterson calls the flat-brain syndrome. The purpose of the writing of this book according to Peterson was to assist couples in gaining the communication skills needed to improve their relationship. In this book Peterson says to make personal connection with people communication skills need to involve the stomach, which puts our feelings into words, the heart which makes clear that we are putting our own feelings into words and the head which puts our thoughts into words. (Peterson, 2007 Pg. 16) Peterson says that he uses the flat-brain syndrome to understand the problem of failed communication. Peterson explains â€Å"communication is the lubrication designed to keep our functions of stomach, heart, and head working separately and together†(Peterson 2007, Pg. 6). The gifted Peterson also takes the concept of the flat brain syndrome a step further by relating to the reader what happens when our systems (stomach, heart and head) get out of whack. (Peterson 2007, Pg. 23) In this scenario Peterson uses these parts to show what happens to communication, for example stomach overloads, hearts might turn bricklike, brains can go flat, and hearing is altered. These things of course alter the way we hear and feel. These things then set us up to fall into the flat-brain syndrome. Peterson 2007 35-48) In part two Peterson explains the â€Å"talker-listener†process or what he refers to as TLC which exhibits his feelings about the whole counseling process. Part three explains the techniques Peterson uses in listening and the traps one can fall into in the process. The process used by Peterson in this book relates things that he has tested and that work for the counselor. In closing Peterson makes clear that to â€Å"put wheels on your technique,†the counselor must exhibit warmth, genuineness and empathy. Why Don’t We Listen Better? Communicating & Connecting in Relationships is a book written from the human counselor perspective. Peterson uses examples of everyday objects to relate positive plans for the counselor to put into action to achieve really positive results. Where many writers fail at connecting with their readers, Peterson brings a high level of understanding and process explanation simply by being down to earth in his communication. The whole goal of the book seemed to be to make a progressive and positive change in the process the non-professional counselor could use to aid and assist his counselee. From reading the title of the book one might think that listening is the key to the whole process but Peterson adds to the process by incorporating the qualities that pastor counselors should strive to achieve. Those qualities are caring for the counselee, genuine concern for them and the desire to point them at the real counselor. Reflection In reflecting upon the teachings of Dr. Peterson in Why Don’t We Listen Better? Communicating & Connecting in Relationships, I am reminded of a conversation I had with my middle son and his wife just recently. In particular this book has taught me that I need to listen better and that my boys and their wives are not children anymore. I serve as a missionary to the Navajo in Thoreau, NM. The area is desolate, dry, high and poor. My wife and I had provided a house for our son and daughter-in-law on the property of the church but the time came when they decided they needed to be in a big town where they could both work and do the things young people do. For my wife and I it was a terrible time. We love our kids and we have always been very close. My son tried to explain to me that he needed to find a good job and there were none in Thoreau and that they wanted to be independent. As I look back I realize how bad I was at listening to people that I love. I said it will cost you more than here and I am not going to support you so you can live in Albuquerque. As I think back I realize that I should have listened much better. All the things I told him came true and they came to me for help over and over. Some would say â€Å"well then why do you think that the listening thing was so important? The answer is a beautiful one†¦just the other day I offered to help him work on his car and he said to me â€Å"That’s O. K. dad I have saved up the money to get a mechanic. †Small thing to others I would say but to me he was showing me that he really had grown up. Investigation I must say that I enjoyed reading Why Don’t We Listen Better? Communicating & Connecting in Relationships. The book helped me to look at several realities about my life as well as my feelings compared to my reactions. I learned that the best way to have a positive relationship is to communicate. For many years the most important thing I feel that I have learned is the art of communication. Peterson has written theories that are effective and have been proven over time. Peterson has given himself to the problem of effective communication, to assisting others and to repairing and building relationships. The book was so easy to understand that I felt like I knew a lot about what Peterson was saying but I learned lots of new things as well. The talker-listener card strategy and the flat-brain theory are things that I will use in the future. It has been hard for me to listen attentively when the communication involves my kids especially when emotions are high but according to the flat-brain theory this is an area that I can work to improve upon. Peterson gives an excellent explanation about how the talker-listener card can work for me and my sons when issues like the one described above come about. Peterson has developed his processes from experiences he has had as a pastoral counselor. Why Don’t We Listen Better? Communicating & Connecting in Relationships has taught me to be a better listener and how to speak only when the counselee is actively listening to me. This is really a great book for those that want to learn to communicate with others better and to connect with the other party. Application As mentioned before I found this book to be very useful not only in my relationships with my family but also in dealing with the Navajo people in general. One of the things peculiar to many of the Navajo people is that they have specific ways of saying things that to the novice might not mean a whole lot but the talker-listener card methodology will help me in reaching out for their inner feelings, thoughts and desires. After reading this book I find many things that I can do to improve myself. When combined with the 7 Spiritual Gifts with 4 (DISC) Personality Types I have discovered some important information that will help me in my ministry. For example the spiritual gifts and behavioral blends specific to me are that my Primary Spiritual Gifts are Encouraging/Exhorting (58/60), Mercy (58/60) and Serving/Ministry/Helps (57/60). My behavioral blends say that what is expected of me is S/D but I am really C/S. My primary spiritual gifts were found to be: Encouraging / Exhorting, Mercy and Serving / Ministry / Helps. I plan to take the profile to heart mainly because some of the people that know me best have said that the profile was me exactly and I agree. I plan to use the suggested scripture to help me work on my weaknesses and to improve on my strengths. I have made a promise to myself and will ask God to help me to listen to what others have to say. I will incorporate a check system to improve my listening technique. I will actively try to listen to the problems of those seeking my advice. I will also attempt to share my thoughts and feelings without labeling, accusing or judging.
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