Thursday, October 31, 2019
CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORIES - Essay Example The first aspect of American Dream is the emphasis on the value of monetary success. This motivates people to become highly ambitious (Cullen & Agnew 2006, p.192) . There is nothing wrong in being ambitious, however, to what extend a man can go to fulfill his ambitions matter a lot. The dark side of the American dream is that the importance of legitimate means to attain the social success is decreased compared to the importance of attaining the dream (Cullen & Agnew 2006,, p.192). According to Merton, it is this imbalance between the goal and the means to attain the goal that motivate people to take an illegal path (Cullen & Agnew 2006, 2001, p.192). Man is a social element. The strongest motivation behind man’s achievement is to get recognition from the society. In American society, people are evaluated on the basis of ‘what’ and ‘how much’ they have achieved rather than on the basis of who they are or how they are related to others in the social structure (Cullen and Agnew, 2006,, p.192). The ultimate measure of social worth being ‘success’ and ‘achievement,’ it puts pressure on people to achieve it at any cost (Cullen and Agnew, 2006, 2001, p.192). The mentality that â€Å"it’s not how you play the game but ; it’s whether you win or lose,†has led people to take illegal and anti-social paths to achievement as it guarantees success in quick and easy way (Cullen and Agnew, 2006, p.192) The second important aspect of American Dream is the importance given to individualism(Cullen and Agnew, 2006, p.192). As Andrew Hacker (1992) said, American society drives people to achieve success on their own and hence, in an attempt to get ahead in the race, ‘I’
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
MOTIVATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
MOTIVATION - Essay Example 2010). As such, motivation is may be referred to as an inner drive, which arouses action or behavior in a particular manner. Motivation is characterized of having three components: intensity, persistence and activation. Intensity is seen in the ability of an individual to have vigor and concentration in pursuing attainment of a given goal. Persistence depicts a continuous effort that individual places in a goal irrespective of the various obstacles that may exist in the process of pursuing this goal. Finally, activation depicts the process or decision of behavior initiation, which is geared towards attainment of the goal. Motivation is characterized of various theories. Drive reduction theory is one of these theories, which argue that people tend to act such that their needs are reduced and a constant psychological state is maintained (Jiming & Xinjian 2013). An example is that, people will eat so that the need for food is reduced. Homeostasis, which depicts maintenance of a constant physiological equilibrium, is a common idea in this theory. The other theory is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory, which suggests that people are highly motivated because of the needs hierarchy. The first level is characterized of physiological needs like security, safety, water and food, the second level is characterized of social interaction needs like need to belong, the third level is characterized of self-esteem needs like need for individuals respect, and the fourth level is characterized of self-actualization needs like needs for one to realize his or her full potential. Maslow has a believe that people will only have an attention for higher needs in times when lower needs have been satisfied satisfactorily (Hayenga & Corpus 2010). These needs of people include learned needs and innate needs, which are influenced significantly by culture and society. There are limited innate needs that include elimination of wastes, oxygen, water and food, and numerous learned needs that include power, autonomy, and achievement. The determination of the level of needs among people is based on the values or perceptions, which people may perceive to be essential in their life. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic motivation depicts a motivation facet that is triggered by enjoyment or interest in the task being performed. This motivation exists internally within an individual and does not depend on desires for reward or external pressures such as recognition for the performance (Mirabela-Constanta & Maria-Madela 2011). Intrinsically motivated individuals tend to focus on completion of their tasks in a willingly manner in order to improve their skills level and increase capabilities. People in an organization may be intrinsically motivated in case of: Them attributing the performance results to factors, which are under their control, or autonomy, If they posses self-efficacy beliefs, skills of making them the best agents of attaining the key goals of the or ganization, and Have the ability of mastering the culture and ethics of the organization towards attainment of a better performance. Extrinsic motivation on its own is focused on outcomes of performing a given activity. This indicates that extrinsic motivation is not inherent in an individual, but emerges from outside an individual (C?nar et al. 2011). Examples of common extrinsic motivation include rewards like bonus for an improvement in the performance level of an individual. Another example is competition, which triggers an individual to focus on attaining better results in the field of work in comparison to the other individuals in the same field. Comparing extrinsic to intrinsic motivation
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Social Cognitive Theory on Self Regulation
Social Cognitive Theory on Self Regulation Online education versus traditional education environment can be constructed by identifying the methods that students can engage and be successful. A student can accomplish their educational goal whether they want to enter a traditional or online setting, it is up to the student to strive and motivate themselves in accomplishing in what their heart desires. Online education is almost the same as a traditional education and both settings does the same purposes, but in different ways. Individuals, like myself that works and has a family to take care of, the on-line setting makes it much easier and flexible for my busy day out of my life. Some people might think that on-line course are not accredit and cant be used in their future career, due to not having the interactions with others face to face, and not knowing the significance of the construction of the online environment, they might feel that on-line environment wont help them to be successful. Apply Social Cognitive Constructs of Motivation is an article on how to Enhance Students in Succeeding in Online Distance Education program. According to Miltiadou Savenye 2003), findings of their review of literature, there were six motivational constructs studied in the traditional environments to online education, which noted the concepts to identify methods to ensure students they can succeed in online courses. The six motivational constructs that students can follow are self-efficacy, locus of control, attributions, goal orientation, intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation and self-regulation, which these six motivational constructs had been investigated in a traditional face to face classrooms and a variety of educational teachers. The reason for this article is to discuss the areas in the online education and the academic motivation and by ensuring the students the methods on how to be successful in the online environment; it can encourage others that online education setting, can make a student successful in accomplishing in their goals according to the findings of the literature review. (Miltiadou Savenye, 2003) Since I have been taking on line courses for over 3 years now, I found the online education setting as a great and dynamic way of learning in today society. The method of learning are the same way of a traditional face to face learning, the only difference of this type of learning is that online students doesnt have to sit in a classroom, but we still have to interact with others, we really dont have to sit in a classroom in order to learn. Since entering an online distance learning course, I have learn to interact with my other peers by responding to them on their responses to the discuss questions that are asked by the instructor and it give me a chance on learning new ideas from the responses and they can learn from my responses also. Online education is known as of the most dynamic forms of learning that exist today and is a subcategory for distance learning. It has been defined of a formal delivery of an instructed and one time was a geographic location that separated students and instructors according to (Holmberg, 1989; Melsaac Gunawardena, 1996; Verduin Clark, 1991). Online education overcame in time and had placed constraints which restrict access to the instruction of a traditional educational setting and the cost is very low and gave the availability of computers technologies which increased the pressure that was related to employment, financial and family responsibilities. Online education offers alternative routes and it provides a life long opportunity to student who traditional setting doesnt work for them. Online education is offered around the world, whether at an elementary, secondary or higher level, it offers a large range of online courses. Interaction According to the literature review there are four types of interaction online distance education course. Moore, M.G (1989) identified three types of interactions, Learner-context, Learner-instructor and Learner-learner, which he meant as: Learner-context interaction was described of an intellectual interaction that was between the learner and the topic which was the study of (Moore, 1989) and according to Moore, the learner content interaction was one of the important concept of the online environment, due to the change between the learners behavior that was toward on their educational goal. Learner-instructor interaction was between the instructor and the learners, which the instructor or the team of the subject expert who prepared the course materials. The instructor are responsible to stimulate and continue to maintain the learners interest in the topic that motivates the student to learn, their progress and provide them the support and encourage them. (Moore, 1989). Learner-learner interactions are done among the students on the online environment and it is done with or without the real time presence of the instructor. This type of learner-learner interaction represent the communication between one student with another student or with groups of students, whether it is trough discuss question, chat, or electronic email or messages on the posting board. The final Four of interactions were by (Hillman, Willis, and Gunawardena, 1994), which was called the Learner-interface interaction, which it was identified as the process of using tools to accomplish the learner task or assignments. (Hillman et al., p.34) Students that dont use these tools would not be able to succeed in their goal and by not using these tools it would force the students to drop out of the online courses. Interaction was used to see how students construct with the knowledge in distance education. Several coding scheme was developed to categorize the interaction which was according to the model of the knowledge construction to learn and understand the dialogue that can lead to the students understanding. According to Gunawadena and colleagues (1998) of the understanding of what was developed on the model and coding scheme for online interaction, they included five stages of knowledge construction of the model coding scheme, which are: Sharing and comparing of other information, discover and exploration of the dissonance or the inconsistency among others ideas, concepts, or statements, negotiation of the meaning of co-construction of knowledge, the understanding of testing and modification with the proposed synthesis or construction and finally the fifth coding of scheme statements and applications of the newly constructed meaning. (Gunawadena Colleagues 1998) In an online global debate, participants rarely moved beyond the second stage and stop on the first stage of sharing and comparing information. Inconsistency was not often acknowledged, because participants created agreement and did not acknowledge the differences. Researchers whom investigated interaction, distance education environment considered that it is an important factor that can influence success or failure of the course (Kearsley, 1995; Keegan, 1988, Moore, 1989, Ross, 1996; Tsui Ki, 1996; Vrasidas McIsaac, 1999). According to Kearsley (1995) a higher level of interaction would positively influence the effectiveness of any distance learning courses. Keegan (1988) had also viewed that interaction was the key to effective learning and the information is exchangeable. Moore (1989) considered that interaction is the key of being a very important of the design of distance education. Ross (1996) said that students who do not have the necessary skills to interact with their peers and the instructor using computers are more aware of technology than of the content of communication. (1996) Tsui and Ki (1996) noticed that students interact more frequently over the course of the semester, when they become more comfortable using the technology. Vrasidas and McIsaac (1999) noticed the structure, class size, feedback, and students before the experience with CMC are the four major factors that influence students to interact, they consider that interaction plays an important role to ensure the students success in an online course. Research would provide practical suggestion for increasing interaction in order to help students to persist in an online course. Myself who has been enrolled in an online distance learning education program, learn that the web requires a considerable self-direction, where teachers in a traditional classroom normally provides students with guidance and structure, online students are more independent. Students must take responsibilities on managing and controlling their own academic progress. Theoretical Framework: Social Cognitive Self-Regulation Self-regulated learning referred to a student that is influenced by their thoughts, feeling, strategies and behaviors, which in other words is self generating themselves in of process that will orient them to achieve in their goals. (Schunk Zimmerman, 1998. p. VIII), it is also referred to as an academic self-regulation that has been studied in the traditional classrooms. Students can learn to understand on how to use their cognitive, motivation and behavior to successfully improve their learning skills. Students who learn to use their motivations beliefs tend to use more of their self-regulation learning strategies. The students results of their performance would be less adaptive in their counterparts. (Pintrich, 1999) Scholars claimed of finding social cognitive models of self-regulation to be very useful in discovering the way students do in the online courses. (e.g., Arino, 2007b; Hodges, 2005; Militiadou Savenye, 2003) According to Pintrich, 1999 Zimmerman, 2000 social cognitive models distinguishes themselves from a purely cognitive theory and focuses on the interrelationship among learners and their beliefs that uses self-generated learning strategies. Social cognitive is models that are mainly concern with explaining on how these personal beliefs are associated with behaviors that ultimately influenced by characteristics of the learning environment. (Pintrich, 1999 Zimmerman, 2000) According to Schunk Zimmerman, 1997 1998 in their findings on self-regulated, learners are generally seems as active participants that efficiently control their own learning experiences in different ways, which includes finding a productive work environment and using the resources the right way, participants needs to organize and rehearse the information so they can learn the information. Students who dont understand the process wouldnt believe in their positive motivational and their belief can interfere with their power and their values of learning. (Schunk Zimmerman, 1994, 1998) Online setting have been known that students start to believe in themselves and it probably due to the association of the greater academic success, which will give others in enrolling in a distance learning program. My daughter use to watch me all the time I had an assignment due and by her observing and notice that I succeeding in getting my Associated Degree and continuing on in getting my Masters Degree, as soon as she finish High School, she decided to enroll in a online education program, it gave her the satisfaction of watching on how well I have been doing and having all the tools that is needed to succeed, this showed her that she can also accomplish in her goal. Self-regulation can help anybody in succeeding in their goal, but those people would have to put their minds and use time management in order to complete their assignments. Motivation plays an important role in accomplishing; by being motivated a person can keep in mind why they started the process in the first place. Motivation Motivation is the key to become successful in accomplishing that a person strives for, without that motivation a person can fail in succeeding in continuing on their journey. Students motivation is an important part of the process of learning in any education environment (Maehr, 1984). According to Maehr, (1984) these questions are usually asked of students, what makes a students engage in accomplishing, why do they pursue and accomplish in certain goals or tasks or why they avoid others, according scholarly inquiry, since the writing of 5th, century BC Greek philosopher such as Plato and Aristotle. (Miltiadou, Mario Savenye C. Wilhelmina, 2003) According to Bandura (1977) peoples action are not solely determined by external rewards and punishment and if they did, he or she would behave like a mechanical device that is constantly shifting in different directions to conform the momentary influences of the impact. They would act corruptly with unprincipled individuals and honorable with righteous ones, and liberally with libertarians and dogmatically with authoritarians (Olson Hergenhanh 2007, p. 338). Bandura believes the human behaviors are largely from a self-regulated behavior and among what humans learn are from direct or vicarious experience. Once people learn their performance standards they become the basis of self-evaluation and if the performance meets or exceeds their standards the evaluation would be positive and if they dont and fall short their evaluation would become negative. Students with direct experience and use reinforcement with a high value of behaviors would bring them praise from the relevant individuals in their life, such as their parents. A student who has personal standards can develop vicariously by observing others behaviors that has been reinforced. Self-evaluation is from the intrinsic reinforcement and is more influential than the extrinsic reinforcement that is dispensed by others. Bandura gave several examples of cases that the extrinsic reinforcement engaged in the activities that reduced the motivation in those cases. After he reviewed the research on the relative effectiveness of the extrinsic (externally administered) those intrinsic (self-administered) reinforcement, Bandura (1977), had concluded that a self-reward behavior had tend to be maintained more effectively than if it has been externally reinforced. (Olson Hergenhanh, 2007 p. 338) According to Bandura (1977), students who has high standard of their performance can have a personal distress, they can self-evaluate their standards which can give them a depressive reaction, discouragement, worthlessness and would have the lack of purpose. He believes working at a goal that is too distant or too difficult can be disappointing and subgoals of moderate difficulty are therefore likely to be most motivating and satisfying. (Olson Hergenhanh 2007, p. 338) Self-Efficacy Self-efficacy plays a major component of Banduras (1986) social cognitive learning theory, he describe it as an individuals that has the confidence in their abilities and knows on how to control their thoughts, feelings and actions and the outcome of their influence. People may think that self-efficacy is low, but in reality it can be high or vice versa. People who constantly attempt to do things among their ability may become frustrated and despair and eventually may not continue on in their attempts to do anything and people who has a high self-efficacy doesnt challenge themselves and their ability of growth may not be allowed. After so many years of research on perceived self-efficacy that was done on many ages of groups in laboratory and in the real world setting, Bandura and Locke (2003 pp. 87-88) stated that Efficacy beliefs prediction are not only on the behavioral functioning that were between individuals at different levels of perceived efficacy, but were also changes in the functioning of the individual that were in different levels of efficacy and overtime and even the variation within the same individuals in the tasks performed and those shunned or attempted but failed. (Olson Hergenhanh 2007, 339) Traditional face to face and online schools have teachers instructors to support their students to build and maintain their self-efficacy in their learning. Traditional and Online both have set ups of strategies that can enhance students self-efficacy and improve the students motivation, the two approaches that were suggested in the article, for online instructors can help identify and set up challenging proximal goals. Students who have realistic goals intend to perform and be more motivated then students who doesnt have a set goal due to not being guided by their instructors or who the instructor just tells them to do their best. (Locke Latham, 1990) According to Bandura (1997), students who have set goals are the ones who to experience an initial sense of their self-efficacy and with their abilities to achieve that goal they would become more committed in their attempt to succeed. When students learn the process and engage in the activities they intend to rehearse the information to remember which expends their efforts and be persistence in leading them in attainment to goal. (Schunk, 1991, p.213) The second strategy to boost a student self-efficacy for learning online courses is to provide them with a timely, honest, and explicit task feed back. (Bandura, 1997; Bangert, 2004; Wang Lin, 2007). With effective feedback by the instructor of the students progress, it gives the students the level or direction of their efforts and it helps the students self-efficacy to complete their goal in succeeding in their future. Since enroll on online distance learning course, I have learn to use the syllabus which is the course program during that five weeks of classes and what the students are going to learn. I learn on how to link on to my assignments and check to see when they are due and can also check on my progress level, which gives me the motivation in completing my goal. If I dont understand my assignments and what to ask a question, I can easily e-mail the instructor for feedback and suggestion to do better. All of these tools are available to students in succeeding in their completion of their goal; it just takes time and a person motivation to learn on what is provided to them. According to Garrison, Anderson, Archer, 2001) in their finding, students seldom use critical thinking during online discussion and that is because the interactions on the discuss question are to encourage students to be challenge, reform, and synthesize on their current views of knowledge, through the in-depth of interaction with others.( Garrison et al, 2001) Online discussions were indication that students interactions were shallow and the students rarely develop into a higher level of communication that was negotiable, co-constructed and agreement, according to (Tallent-Runnels et al, 2006 p. 100) and the explanation that was given that students shallow participation in online discussions is lack of guidance from the instructor. The argument between Christopher, Thomas, and Tallent-Runnels (2004) was lead that online instructors likes to have their own counterparts in traditional classrooms, they must take greater responsibility for organizing and scaffolding their students lear ning within these online discussion. In numbers of studies online (a) self-regulatory scaffolding suggested that scaffolding can be effective way to support and or enhance students process of learning on their self-regulatory belief and behavior (Azevedo, Cromley, Seibert, 2004; Dabbgh Kitsantas, 2005; Kauffman, 2004; Niemi et al, 2003); (b) adaptive scaffolding like teachers or tutors can continuously diagnosis the students understanding and provide them with timely content and process that relates to scaffolding and it would be more effective way of supporting the development of the students conceptual understanding with the deep process strategies than fixing the scaffolding condition with a generic listing learning goals (Azevedo et al., 2004) and (c) scaffolding will be more effective with no voice learners who are under developed of the self-regulatory belief and behavior, than the veteran learners (Niemi et al., 2003) The instructional implication on scaffolding online discussion is a supplement that can enhance teaching presence, which the teachers can include following behaviors to the students by setting up a learning model with appropriate discussion post, focus on the discussion specific issues, encourage, acknowledge, and reinforce students contribution, identify the areas of agreement and disagreement and seek consensus and understanding, add information from other sources, critically evaluate post and ask for clarification to elaborate the students answers, diagnose and correct students misunderstandings ( Anderson et al., 20011; Shea et al., 2005) Scholars has done numerous studies on using social cognitive that viewed students self-regulations and their characteristic of their success while learning online, in general of the existing empirical literature which supported the established findings from doing research in a more traditional classrooms specifying that academic of self-regulation is important and not necessary for effective learning and performance (Artino, 2007b; Hodges, 2005; Miltiadou Savenye, 2003; Schunk Zimmerman, 1994, 1998). Scholars has done numerous studies on using social cognitive that viewed students self-regulations and their characteristic of their success while learning online, in general of the existing empirical literature which supported the established findings from doing research in a more traditional classrooms specifying that academic of self-regulation is important and not necessary for effective learning and performance (Artino, 2007b; Hodges, 2005; Miltiadou Savenye, 2003; Schunk Zimmerman, 1994, 1998). The table below shows the finding on the idea for online education with the instructional implication, online tools and the techniques implementation, with this table; I believe people would convince and it give them the motivation to decide to enroll on an online education program. 1. The quality and quantity of students self-regulatory beliefs and behaviors vary greatly; those with more adaptive profiles experience greater success. 1a. Assess components of students regulated learning and supply individualized feedback 1b. Provide students with differential support 2. Students motivational beliefs, such as elf-efficacy and task value, matter 2a. Develop and support students self-efficacy Utilize online regulated learning skills (e.g., online version of the motivated strategies for learning questionnaire (MSLQ) or the learning and strategies study inventory (LASSI) Help students identify and set challenging, proximal goals. Send frequent emails and/or utilize course management systems to provide students with timely, honest, and explicit performance feedback Tell students how specific learning tasks will contribute to the realization of their personal goals, interests, and values Utilize up-to-date online grade books to encourage self-monitoring and self evaluation Interpret Survey results, provide individualized feedback, and supply links to additional web resource for tips on improving deficient self- regulated learning skills Sending reflective prompts via email and or course management system to encourage self-monitoring Create detailed Syllabi, assignment instructions and grading rubrics to assist with goal setting and self evaluation Using intermediate assignment deadlines to facilitate progression toward task completion. Employ problem-based learning cycles rooted in authentic issues to enhance motivation and facilitate transfer; however, carefully consider the complexity of problems and their potential to overwhelm students working memory capacity 3. Students seldom use critical thinking skills during online discussions 4. Students who seek help from others and collaborate experience greater success 3. Scaffold online discussion 4. Utilize peer models and encourage collaboration and co-regulation Model appropriate discussion posts that are focused on the specific issues/concepts under consideration Encourage, acknowledge, and reinforce student contributions Model appropriate discussion posts and explicitly acknowledge and reinforce other students well-written posts Provide samples of exemplary assignments Utilize group projects that encourage students to work together toward a mutual goal Identify areas of agreement/disagreement and seek consensus and understanding Add information from diverse sources and critically evaluate student posts Provide explicit discussion prompts and clear grading criteria Conclusion Online education in my opinion is a wonderful way for a person, who really cant handle sitting in a classroom. A person doesnt have to leave their homes and get in their cars to find parking and make it to class on time. A person can stay in their Pajamas and take a break when ever is needed. All the tools and resources are just a click away and if a person has a problem of not understanding there is always e-mail to ask the instructor question and your peers. I never thought of myself of receiving a degree online, because I thought that I couldnt afford it and wont be able to concentrate on my assignments. When I started 3 years ago, I was confused at first using a computer and finding all the tools that were offer from the school and especially for a person that hasnt been in school for a long time its even worse, but I was determine to learn and ask question and I became confident in myself to accomplish in my goal. The article purpose was to give individuals the motivation on accomplishing on their education goals and online programs are as good as traditional education schooling. People might look at online degree not the same as going to a face to face traditional setting and it took me a while to believe that online courses are as good. Now when people ask me questions about online programs, I can let them know that it is accredit and it is the same as going to traditional setting and they should research on topics regarding the success of others who received their degree, I can let them know the only difference is a person who decides to go this route has more responsibility, they have to motivated, self-regulated, self-efficient, and self-directed in achieving. Online education is all over the world and has became so popular that a lot of people are started to become interested and if anybody were to ask me if they should do it or not, I can guarantee that it would be the best move they ever did in their life.
Friday, October 25, 2019
William Shakespeare :: essays research papers
William Shakespeare was born in 1564, in Stratford, located in the center of England. His dad, John, was a trained glove maker, who was married to Mary Arden. She was the daughter of Robert Arden, who was a farmer in a nearby village of Wilmcote. John was also served on the town council for many years, becoming mayor in 1568. He was also involved in money lending and he traded wool. After 2 tries of having a child, and failed, William was born. He had 5 other siblings, but one of them died in their early life.      Shakespeare was well set in the year 1592. His high reputation was in London. His earliest plays were â€Å"Henry VI†, â€Å"The Two Gentlemen of Verona†, and â€Å"Titus Andronicus†. In 1594, Shakespeare joined other people, creating a new theater company. Having Richard Burbage as lead actor, for almost twenty years they performed two shows a year on average. The plays included â€Å"Hamlet†, â€Å"Othello†, and â€Å"Lear†     In 1597, Shakespeare’s successes lead him into a wealthy state. His massive income let him purchase the biggest home in Stratford. Even though his career was spent in London, he stayed close to his native town. In 1602, he bought 107 acres of land, also in Stratford.      Shakespeare plays were performed only in London, where the buildings were designed specifically for performing plays. Most of the theaters were tall, and circular in shape. They would be open to the sky, and roofs protecting the galleries. The performances took place in the afternoon, where lighting was at its peak performance. All the roles in the plays were male performers. Even the female role’s, were guys. But the audience was always a mix of the sexes.      In 1599, Lord Chamberlain’s company built the Globe Theater. This theater was mainly associated with his plays, and it was on the south bank of the Thames, in the suburb of Southwark. Two of his plays â€Å"Henry V†, and â€Å"Julius Caesar†were performed here from the time it opened to 1613. During a performance of â€Å"Henry VIII†, a fire broke out and destroyed the theater. It was rebuilt the following year.      Some of Shakespeare’s best work came out in the 1600’s. They included â€Å"Hamlet†, â€Å"Cymbeline†, and â€Å"The Tempest†. He died in his Stratford home on April 23rd, 1616; he was fifty-two. He was buried at Holy Trinity Church, where now, his rest of his family rests in peace.      William Shakespeare led an exciting life, becoming one of the most famous play writers of all time.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code Essay
To start this story, Eoin Colfer introduces the characters and setting in an unusual fashion. Since this book is a sequel, he has the difficult task of introducing the characters to new readers while still keeping it interesting for the ones who have stayed with him through the previous books. He accomplishes this masterfully and with a BANG. He immediately hooks the reader and simultaneously explains the complicated web of his excellent cast of characters. We begin in a Knightsbridge Bistro, present time, and are introduced to the protagonist: a pale adolescence genius by the name of Artemis Fowl and his trusty Eurasian bodyguard Butler. We are also introduced to the antagonist: the shadowy American businessman and fugitive John Spiro and his hulking, beastly, body guard Arno Blunt. Artemis is there to present an offer to the dangerous American. Artemis has stolen fairy technology in the form of a cube (all of which is explained in the prior books) that can read any mechanical information and present it with incredible speed and precision. His offer is that he will not release this incredible product for 9 months, and in that time Spiro can sell all his stock and put it into Fowl Industries. John is suspicious and asks for a demonstration. He requests that Artemis track all the laser satellites monitoring him at that specific moment. Fowl is happy to comply and the machine begins to whirl. It picks up satellites belonging to the FBI and other government owned operations. It then tells them that the LEP is monitoring him as well. Artemis is stunned and quickly shuts up the box. Spiro is confused by the LEP warning, but doesn’t think much of it. Then the inciting incident happens. Artemis and Butler suddenly find that all the restaurants occupants are arms and trained on the two heroes. Spiro has been in control the entire time and with a chuckle he leaves with the cube clamped tightly in his hands. He leaves Arno to make sure that Fowl and Butler are exterminated. Artemis is surprisingly calm in the face of danger. He quotes and old English philosopher and with the final words the building’s occupants fall screaming to the ground. Our hero’s were not niave and completely trusting of Spiro. Therefore, they planted sonic charges inside the building. Artemis and Butler are saved by the ear plugs worn in their ears. Butler leaves Artemis unguarded while he scopes the rest of the building. Arno awakes and with his M9 takes aims and fires into the chest of Artemis. At this point, the reader is either extremely confused, or at the edge of their seat. And to raise suspense Colfer leaves Artie and Butler at a cliff hanger for a minute and changes to another exposition. This time it is with a Fairy by the name of Holly Short in the underground utopia of Haven City. This is a refuge for magical creatures of all sorts to gather and to thrive. A place where technology is far superior then that of the surface world and the â€Å"Mud Men†. Holly and Artemis have crossed paths twice before and even had a slight romance. Holly is part of the LEPrecon police force. LEP standing for Lower Elements Police. Currently she was escorting a group of routy goblins to Police Plaza. All their cars are electronically oriented on a hub in the middle of the city. Suddenly all power goes out in the city. All cars are shut off and every entrance and exit are blocked. This can mean one of two things; A power failure, which is impossible with the countless backup generators the city has, or they have been exposed to the humans. Holly immediately rushes to Police Plaza and reports for duty. She is sent to investigates what has happened and why. The story then returns England and to the conflict. Arno Blunt is aiming his pistol at Artemis and is about to fire when Butler jumps into his way and absorbed the bullet into his own chest. Arno flees the scene as Butler slowly bleeds to death. And with that, the suspense begins to build, Artemis freezes Butlers body in a fish cellar and contacts Holly to help him. She has less then 6 minutes to zoom (with her wings) from her surface entrance in Ireland to England. She arrives with seconds to spare and proceeds accomplish a tricky magical surgery and Butler manages to survive. He is now armed with the anger and hatred to kill Arno Blunt. Now the reader understands the main conflict, Artemis and his friends must discover a way to enter John Spiro’s seemingly unpenetratable fortress and take his prized position. Holly finds that it was Artemis who â€Å"pinged†the Haven. If Spiro were to get past the â€Å"Eternity Code†set up by Fowl to secure the cube the existence of the Lower Elements could be exposed to all mankind. Holly agrees to help Artemis only if he agrees to have his mind wiped after the exposition. Artemis hurriedly agrees and formulates a plan hat he tells only parts of to everybody. They then proceed to execute the well formulated agenda. Spiro cannot open the cube since it has an Eternity Code on it, that only Artemis can open. Artemis goes to the Spiro Needle and tells him that it may take weeks to crack the code. Spiro keeps him under house arrest until he completes his objective. Then an invisible Holly, with the help of some of her technologically sophisticated buddies, infiltrates the building. Eager to show off, John presents the complex security system to Artemis, which Artemis records on his iris cam. Holly frees Artemis and then begins the climatic event. Spiro’s paranoia caused him to move his bed to right in front of the cube. Holy and Artemis manage to seduce him by pouring gas from the air filters and continue to work their way through the complicated security measures. They pass the first few test with ease, but they must have a finger print of John’s thumb. They cut his thumb at the joint and are now in extreme pressure to get through the cube and back. Holly can only reattach the thumb using her magic before 2 minutes. This is the peak of pyramid, the reader is practically sweating with anticipation. The duo manage to get back 30 seconds after their apparent deadline and reattach the thumb. After that adventure the story must wind down. How could it not after a climax like that? The dangerous duo continue their way out of the Spiro Needle and head home. While all of that was happening, Butler had been given a special assignment due to his obvious injury. He has the task of saving all their files related to fairy information onto disk that the more sophisticated fairy wouldn’t notice. He is ready when the two adventurers return with their prize. It is quickly destroyed by holly, smashing it into a million pieces. The story could end right now, but there’s a few things needed to be wrapped up. The fairies are left with a dilemma, if they mind wipe Fowl will he become the evil little devil he was in the first book? Will he find a way to get past their mind wipe, but not have the emotional piece of the puzzle, therefore trying to lead another assault on Fairy Kind? Despite the risks they decide to wipe him anyway. The fairies have enough photographs and information to lock Spiro up for the next decade and the story ends sadly with Holly looking at the oblivious friend she had come to love.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Manual vs Automatic Transmission Essay
Why are cars with manual transmissions so popular? Also, what are some of the differences and some of the advantages to driving a car with a manual transmission? They are more difficult to drive than a car with an automatic in it. They also require certain motor skills that you don’t need with an automatic. One could also choose an automatic that is easier to drive and would make your drive in rush hour traffic more comfortable. People who have driven cars with manuals in them know the differences and the advantages of driving one. The driver has more control over the car’s power than they do when driving cars with automatics in them. Cars with automatics are great to drive around because they don’t require too much driving skills. People who don’t really like to drive usually will choose a car that is automatic. They often don’t pay as much attention to the things that are happening around them while they are driving. They have improved a lot through the years with better gear ratios, and the shifting response when the driver just presses on the gas. However, they are not as much fun to drive. That is why race are drivers drive cars with manual transmissions. Cars with manual transmissions are very fuel efficient. They respond better to the driver which makes them safer. People that drive cars with manual transmissions are more focused on their driving. When the driver down shifts when they are driving to reduce their speed, they are also saving their brake pads. Other thing cars with manual transmissions have more power and tend to respond better when you accelerate. It also makes your driving more interesting. Also race car drivers drive cars with manual transmissions to take their driving skills to a higher level for maximum performance. Ones personality will make you decide on which is better for you to drive. My personal opinion is that cars with manual transmissions are a lot more fun to drive than automatics. Because, cars are made for driving and driving should be fun.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
What Role Do Job Descriptions Play in Training at Apex Essays
What Role Do Job Descriptions Play in Training at Apex Essays What Role Do Job Descriptions Play in Training at Apex Paper What Role Do Job Descriptions Play in Training at Apex Paper Question # 1 What role do job descriptions play in training at Apex? Answer: Job descriptions set the boundaries of jobs in terms of required knowledge and skills. It is a description of the task in adjusting the limits of work in terms with the necessary knowledge and skills. By understanding the job description, a trainer can define the learning requirements or the material requirements for new or transitioning employees. The central problem is that Jim Delaney, president of the Apex Door Company, cannot get his employees to do specific tasks without messing up. The causes of the central problem are that when employees dont understand something. These problems come in front us us clearly when it says about employers that â€Å"decide to do it their own way†. Here we clearly explore the lacking of Appex Door Company not to having a through guide line or job description about the job they are doing. Apex Door Company surely has a job description but it is surely out of date or not updated regularly. If so then the employees should remain ware of minimize the use of steel in mega constructions size as it will not only minimize the amount of steel but also increase the net profit for Apex Door Company The role of job description of Apex Door Company should be clear, univocal and regularly cheeked to meet the latest market demand in quickest time with minimum expense. Alternative solutions are that each job has a training manual, and that new up to date job descriptions be written. Question # 3 Explain in detail what you would do to improve the training process at Apex. Make sure to provide specific suggestions. Answer: After reviewing the case it’s for sure that Appex Door Company must rebuild their training process to overcome their problems. A formal (written) and updated Job description: The employees of Appex Door Company â€Å"decide to do it their own way†which is a major drawback for this company. As by this view an employee will never taught what he should do and how the gain of company will maximize. A written guideline will not only assist to do so but make bound to do what is Appex Door Company ordered him to do so. A drawback of job description is that it is effective for a limited time period. To overcome this Appex management should regularly update their Job description Developing Appropriate Training: Job description will not be sufficient to build up the employee unless the train up to do so. The traing should not be given carelessly which was done in previous by providing ex employers. If it’s not possible by themselves then they should bring out expert from outside to ensure the most appropriate and effective training for Appex employers and this Training procedures would be documented for each position of the company Supervise the training process: For Appex Door Company the training process will assist with three aspects. The boss (owners of Appex Door Company) Training Department (trainer) Prospective trainees (employees) The owners of Appex Door Company will supervise the entire task through trainer. And after training they should measure either the training was effective or not and then take further actions.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Essay on The Lead WarsEssay Writing Service
Essay on The Lead WarsEssay Writing Service Essay on The Lead Wars Essay on The Lead WarsWho were the two sides of the case that’s introduced in the first chapter and what was the case about?           The case involved the Kennedy Krieger Institute and two African American children and their families, since two researchers from the Kennedy Krieger Institute conducted the experiment to study the impact of lead on the two African American children. The case was about the unethical behavior of researchers, who exposed their subjects to the threat by exposing them to the impact of lead, although they were aware of its possible negative impact on their health.What does the CDC say is a level of concern for blood lead levels? How has that number changed? How many children are currently at risk, based on their blood lead levels?           The blood lead level was excessive in children involved in the experiment that caused the steady deterioration of their health in the course of t he experiment and influenced their further life. However, the number of children exposed to the risk of lead impact has decreased due to tighter government regulations and growing public pressure.What are some of the symptoms of acute lead poisoning?           Symptoms of the acute lead poisoning involve muscle pains, fatigue, abdominal ache, headache, nausea and vomiting, seizures and in the most serious cases coma.What are some common sources of lead poisoning?           The common sources of lead poisoning are plumbing and water supply, especially if water is contaminated with lead because of the close location of sources of the pollution. Moreover, lead may be found in soil, home dust, toys, traditional cosmetics and other sources. In such a way, lead may be found in many items people use or are exposed to in their regular life.What are some of the symptoms of chronic, low-dose lead poisoning?           Symptoms of chronic, low-dose lead poisoning include loss of short-term memory or concentration, depression, nausea, fatigue, problems with sleep, frequent headaches. Children with chronic, low-dose lead poisoning may refuse to play and tend to aggressive or hyperkinetic behavior. These symptoms may have different manifestations and some of them may be more distinct than others depending on the dose and the time of the exposure to the impact of lead.Explain the Kennedy Krier Institute lead study. Who was it studying and how was it studying them? What was the problem with the study that caused all the controversy? What are our societys concerns about research involving human subjects?           In case of the Kennedy Krier Institute lead study two African American children were studied. They were exposed to a different dose of lead in their home environment, whereas the researchers measured changes in their health by regular examination and tests. Researchers measured the level of lead in their blood, observed their behavior, examined their health condition and assessed changes that occurred to participants of the study. The exposure of children to the impact of lead has had the negative impact on their health that has triggered the major controversy of the study, especially after the court’s ruling that took the side of the researchers, who actually led two children to the development of chronic health problems caused by their exposure to the impact of lead. In such a way, the issue of the correlation between the safety of human subjects and scientific needs emerged in society, which grows more and more concerned with safety of scientific experiments, which though are essential for the scientific progress and naturally are accompanied to certain risks to subjects’ health.What role did community activist organizations take in reducing the impact of lead on the U.S. population?           Community activist organizations push on the government and companies to decrease the impact of lead on the US population. They inform the public of the danger of lead and force the government to enhance environmental legislation. They also push on companies to decrease the exposure of the population to the impact of lead. In fact, community activist organizations stand for interests of local communities and attempt to defend needs of the local population to secure their position and prevent the risk of the development of numerous health problems due to the exposure of the population to the impact of lead.What was researcher Robert Kehoes argument behind his position that environmental lead was perfectly safe? What was the opposing viewpoint of researcher Clair C. Patterson?           Kehoe stood on the ground that people are exposed to numerous risk factors along with lead that may cause the development of serious h ealth problems, whereas Patterson viewed lead as the primary cause of those health problems. Therefore, they view the problem of the lead impact on the population from different scientific perspectives. As a result, they naturally arrive to different views on the impact of lead on health of people.Why do the authors think that attempts to regulate the amount of lead in our environment have been less successful then efforts to stop other epidemics? What are the economic problems? What are the political problems?           The regulation of the amount of lead in environment can decrease the risk of the development of serious health problems that will have a positive economic impact because it will reduce spending on health services and improve the public health. However, politically this decision is difficult because it causes costly changes in many industries. In fact, the major political problem is the lack of adequate resources that are essenti al for the protection of the population, while the introduction of strict regulatory policies may cause the downturn in the economic development of the country and decline of business activities because companies have to spend more resources on the environment and population safety than into their business development.How did the Bush administration in the early 2000s directly affect the independence of public health science? What about epidemiologya field that, in some ways, is restricted to natural experimentation just as environmental science ismakes it vulnerable to that sort of attack?           The increased role of the government in epidemiological and public health control has decreased the role of public health science as an independent body. As a result, the government has started to play the main part in the epidemiologic management and public health policies. The increased role of government in the development of regulatory public health policies has raised the problem of the decreasing public control over epidemiologic situation and public health.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A view from a bridge by Arthur miller Essay Example for Free
A view from a bridge by Arthur miller Essay Arthur Miller (560) , Bridge (30) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints ? At the beginning of act 2 in â€Å"a view from a bridge†Arthur Miller creates tension in a number of ways. The first way Arthur miller creates a sense of drama by using body language eg) Eddie’s arm â€Å"jerks slightly in shock†the body language of Eddie is Eddie showing his feelings of disapproval of Katherine and Rodolpho going out together to add to Eddys anger the fact that they both come out of the bedroom together. This shows Eddies love for Katharine but he is becoming far too over protective over Katherine. Arthur Miller also creates tension through the use of short sharp sentences through the scene as well as the repetition of key phrases during the scene, eg) when Katherine says â€Å"I think I can’t stay here no more†when Eddie says â€Å"You aint goin’ nowheres†after that Katherine says: â€Å"Eddie I’m not gonna be a baby anymore†these are all extremely short sentences used within quick succession. The use of short sentences like this is to heighten the drama by showing the views that the characters are in an angry and aggressive as mood well as showing Katherine’s new fear of Eddie and that something is inevitably going to happen. Certain unexpected key events occur in this scene, which shock the audience and create a heightened dramatic impact. This is when Eddie â€Å"reaches out suddenly, draws her to him, as she strives to free herself he kisses her on the mouth†then Rodolpho tells Eddie â€Å"have respect for her†after that: â€Å"Rodolpho flies at him in attack. Eddie pins his arms, laughing and suddenly kisses him. This shows that Eddie’s feelings for Katherine are so powerful that they are uncontrollable; this causes the audience to be shocked and lose respect for Eddie. As well as these happenings, emotions are revealed in this scene, which heightens the tension. This is shown best by Katherine’s fear of Eddie because she usually shows such admiration for Eddie. Eddie crying is also eddy showing emotion â€Å"Eddie strands of tears rolling down his face as h laughs mockingly at Rodolpho. †While Katherine â€Å"is staring at him in horror†Katherine and Rodolpho are also behaving â€Å"out of character†by showing disrespect towards Eddie. Katherine usually acts childish towards him as if Eddie really is her father; and Rodolpho is usually trying to avoid conflict with Eddie as well as trying to win Eddies approval over Katherine Craig young 11vk The mix of violence, humiliation and control in this scene all help to create dramatic impact. This is shown when Rodolpho is violent towards Eddie â€Å"Rodolpho flies at him in attack. †This shows the audience how Rodolpho has changed his attitude towards Eddie. Eddie shows control by forcibly kissing Katherine and then Rodolpho. Eddie does this to show his authority over Katherine and Rodolpho, and to degrade Rodolpho by showing that he has control over him. Further more proving that, Eddie is stronger than Rodolpho. In conclusion the contrast between the events with Eddie and Katherine and the mood of Alferi’s speech at the end of the scene, also creates a sense of tension; due to the contrast between the short sharp aggressive sentences earlier on in the scene then when Alferi speaks there becomes longer calmer sentences, this contrast creates a sense of tension by making the audience think that something more is going to happen. As well as this a part of Alferi’s speech makes the audience realise that something terrible was inevitably going to happen â€Å"but I will never forget how dark the room came when he looked at me; his eyes were tunnels. I kept wanting to call the police, but nothing had happened. Nothing at all had really happened. †This shows that Alferi had the feeling that something had already happened so it seems almost certain that something would happen. A view from a bridge by Arthur miller. (2017, Oct 08).
Friday, October 18, 2019
Inadequacies of the traditional historic cost accounting method in Essay
Inadequacies of the traditional historic cost accounting method in times of changing price levels and the alternative methods - Essay Example Inadequacies of Traditional Historic Cost Accounting: Based on the traditional historic cost accounting method, financial accounting of any business is done considering the earnings and costs that are associated only with the internal of the organization. Decisions are taken based on such measures that exclude economic transactional information without having any market value. With this technique only those external financial factors are taken into considerations that have some effects on the overall financial outcome of the business. Thus other social, economic or environmental factors are not considered in this method of accounting (Bailey, Harte and Sugden 2002). For any business organization, accounting method needs to realize the changes in prices in the market and be feasible in the process of accounting accordingly. The inadequacies with the traditional historic cost accounting method arise since the accountants used to measure transactions related to finance in terms of monet ary unit. The method proved to be unstable as the monetary value keeps changing with conditions in the market. With changes in the value of the rupee or dollar or any other unit, financial statements would reflect distorted amounts. For example if acquisition costs of assets are added to the statements, it does not prove to be rational since the value of the monetary unit is different at different points of time (Gupta 2004). The change in price levels reflects that when there is a rise in price, there is an increase in the prices of all items. The value of assets during these times may also increase, but the rates of increase may not be the same for all items. Thus general price rise and specific price rise are two forms of rise in prices requiring inflation accounting methods for business organizations to achieve accurate financial accounting. The historic cost accounting proved to be adequate to measure these prices changes thus requiring new accounting techniques for businesses (Dutta 2003). The major problem with the traditional historic cost accounting in regard to changing price levels is that it depends significantly on volume of output that an organization achieves. The categorization of costs may be done into four classes – variable, fixed, step fixed, and mixed – that may prove to be inappropriate. Considering the present day business performances, life cycles of product are short and there are higher levels of automation. This makes the above mentioned classification of costs less relevant for the organization and leads to satisfaction of the team simply counting on the costs and not managing them well (Adler 2013). Alternative Methods: With the problems and inaccuracies of the traditional cost accounting method proving to be inadequate for the present day business financial accounting, management teams had to plan for alternatives to replace the historic cost accounting method. Focus on strategic cost drivers has been considered as o ne of the steps of measuring costs effectively. This process allows an organization to divide its costs into structural and executional costs. While the structural costs allow the measurements of the costs related to the designs of the organization, the executional costs allow the organization to realize the post-design costs (Adler 2013). Alternatives to the historic cost
Utilizing Assessment Rubrics to Evaluate Learning Assignment
Utilizing Assessment Rubrics to Evaluate Learning - Assignment Example Using a rubric, students develop a clear sense of what is required of them on a given assignment. A rubric outlines details such as the length of the assignment, the content, which is important in directing students on what would be relevant or irrelevant if covered (Helvoort 2010, p.27). The rubric is also gives instructions on the referencing requirements. Perhaps the most important use of the rubric is its use as an instrument that defines the standards in every assignment (Hauser and Bowen, 2009). This is such that, by going through the rubric, the student is made aware of what they need to do to garner scores within the highest score brackets. The rubric outlines the way one has to arrange their thoughts in order come up with a paper that attracts good grades, the proper way to reference their work and the grammatical demands (Hauser and Bowen, 2009). In this, tutors are able to aid their students to grasp the standards of the profession (Oakleaf, 2008 p.245) in a concise manner. In addition, students can understand their grades by going through the rubric to discover costly omissions and commissions that marred their ability to score the grades they were aiming for. An effective rubric applies the use of the following three domains. The first, the affective domain, addresses the intersect between the values and beliefs of patients and nurses, and how these apply to the treatment regimen. Secondly is the cognitive domain, addressing the extent of knowledge of nurses. This domain has to do with analysis and application of what is known to the nurse. Finally is the psychomotor domain, addressing the technical skills at the nurse’s disposal (Cecilia, 2013). These domains have to be incorporated into the rubric as demonstrated. A good rubric, according to Oakleaf (2008, p.254) is in synchrony with the learning objectives of the course. This tests the retention and application abilities of the students, that is the cognitive skills of learners. In
Zeitgeist and architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Zeitgeist and architecture - Essay Example In respect of the building of choice in this paper, Le unite de Habitation du Marseille form Le Corbusier, It is important to underscore the fact that architectonic space is a syntactic language that attempts to transmit concepts through our most basic instincts. Architecture incorporates the reaction in philosophy and the beliefs of a particular time. Such architectural designs have a direct impact on space which also goes in line with time. From time immemorial art has been part of everyday life of people in various cultural settings. This has been the case with the various aspects of the society ranging from structures, interior design of houses, food arrangement patterns and designing of clothes. Various theoretical concepts have been advanced in respect of the philosophical factors that are taken into consideration when designing various buildings. Architecture is one of the oldest sciences that require in-depth understanding of various factors in respect of the desired structur e. A number of modern towns are experiencing increasing demand for housing with a blend of diverse architectural designs (Mitias, 1999). There are various theoretical concepts that are spoken by the structure itself once it is constructed. Architecture captures the space factor which is increasingly becoming scarce in most residential sites. There have been many cases of setting up buildings in a way that they blend with the topography of the site and the cultural affiliation with the immediate society. Various architecture scientists attest to the fact that the contemporary society strives to spare any little space and maximize the allocated site with an expansive interior and relatively slim exterior. It is common to come across a number of features in many cities which still represent the ancient architecture and are mainly taken through renovation with the building technique kept intact. The cultural affiliation of the people is an important factor in designing various architect ural pieces of art. The ancient time is a reflection of the origin of various concepts and socioeconomic and political concepts that dictated a given way of life amongst the members of the community. This explains the diverse architectural features that are found around the world and the cultural association they have with the given community. It is worth to note that the contemporary architecture considers the serenity of the surroundings and the complexity of the social characteristics of the society. This has been brought about by the increasing sensitivity of people towards colors and their blending (Gargiani, Le Corbusier, Rossellini & Piccolo, 2011). It is important to note that any sensitive architectural creation must incorporate the important influence of image to the public when designing a house. Design of a building says more than words about the prevailing culture, and it explains why some of the ancient buildings have kept under the UN conventions on preservation of cu ltural heritage. The contemporary emergence of globalization is driving urban centers towards over population and a beehive of commercial activities. This requires redefinition of planning the town in terms of structures. Space is becoming a great issue and this explains the research on how the architectures and town planners can come up with beautiful and space saving designs. The increasing competition for space is a matter of great concern among various competing demands of an urban center. There is a need for a revised polychromy of architecture. Ultra-modern art has seen most of the houses designed with vibrant colors and attractive interior design with paints that are water resistant for durability (Mitias, 1999). The adoption of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
A Study of Lean Management 2034 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
A Study of Lean Management 2034 - Essay Example Secondly, value stream is identified as the main source of information for the whole process. Thirdly, lean management assists in assuring that the customers receive the right products. Customers pull is important and hence it is the fourth principle for lean management. Fifthly, through lean management there is continuous improvement in productivity and quality of products (Schonberger, 2007). The report explains the operational process in Toyota and how it has helped the company to prosper in the present market. The different approaches that are undertaken by the company to reduce waste, increase productivity and efficiency are also highlighted in the report. In light of this, the report also gives emphasis on the usefulness of lean management in order to satisfy the customers. The success of Toyota is dependent on its reduction system, which focuses on just-in-time management and continuous improvement. The company has developed decentralised structure; the structure encourages team work and employee participation. It has incorporated techniques such as inventory and supply chain management for producing the high quality automobile. Through these techniques it has increased the competitive edge in a competitive automobile market at international level. The success of the company revolves around achievement of high productivity and employment of unique approaches that can solve problem. Toyota Motor Company manufactures vehicles which are sold in 170 countries. However, the company operates worldwide by partnering with 50 overseas manufacturing companies. It manufactures sells and even exports hybrid, passenger, four-wheel drive, sports and commercial vehicles. Customer satisfaction is regarded as the top priority for the company in a competitive automobile market. It aims at building products, which reflect value and satisfy their needs. The customers are general public who have the desire to own a
Research in Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Research in Practice - Essay Example Individuals can access knowledge which helps in communication and reflection. Research in practice also leads to development of new information about devising processes and procedures that may make great contributions in theatre and also assist other theatre artists, pedagogues and scholars. Art is not only regarded as a means of communication but also of processing, gathering and identifying new knowledge (Beauchamp, 2010 p 3). This concept has led to the development of a new method of research where by the issues faced in theatre and artistic practice are investigated using methods that have been developed in the boundaries of the practice itself. This has made art to develop into a point of departure and it is no longer regarded as an object of research only. Development of theatre research in practice has led to a growing interest in tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is identified as knowledge of an artist which can be seen in skills and unformulated knowledge that emerge from the work of an artist. Research in practice is especially applied in arts practice in academic settings and it entails a wide category of research activities. Research in practice is carried out with the aim of achieving an arts related output, a research process which is entirely framed as an artistic practice or an arts project as an element of a research process drawing on various methods of research (Arlander, 2009 p 15). Research may usually begin or end in a form of arts practice. It may also draw on various art practices as a part of the process of research or may even be integrated as a whole into the changing forms and outputs of an art project. Practices of art incorporate various creative methodologies that may be used in different disciplines of research projects as methodological innovations therefore coming up with new information and providing new perspectives on the available knowledge. Research in practice will also make use of a different kind of knowledge practice th erefore improving the creativity of artists and other individuals in art practices. Research in practice enables individuals to understand processes, functions and roles that various practices play in the field of art. An understanding of the cultural, political as well as philosophical practices will enable individuals to explore art through practice. Practicing art is an important way through which individuals can understand art and other forms of cultural practices in different countries. The process of making art plays a huge role in generating new ideas and perspectives that will enable in understanding of a wide range of cultural and social phenomena which involves community, narrative, identity, space, transformation, time as well as testimony. Research in practice therefore privileges action as an important aspect of learning and developing new knowledge. In theatre, research in practice usually involves various artist researchers who explore, test and also spread different creative methodologies in different contexts. This makes it possible to explore how different interventions relate with each other. Research in practice can therefore be said to be a creative intervention of understanding the world. Artistic research has various effects on individuals as it may change their views and perspectives regarding important aspects about art. Research in practice is identified as a term that was developed to describe knowledge production that originates from the concerns of different artists. Artistic research
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Incident Response, Business continuity, and Disaster Recovery Plans Research Proposal
Incident Response, Business continuity, and Disaster Recovery Plans - Research Proposal Example It thus becomes imperatively necessary to provide evidence and research based guidelines for effective implementation of incident response and disaster recovery plans for organizations which have employed the use of information and communication technology in their operations. It is due to the increasing incidents of attacks to information systems and the related security challenges that it is necessary for organizations to achieve maximum precautionary plans for response and recovery from incidences without having any significant impact on the business processes. The lack of effective implementation of incident response and recovery plans has been caused by lack of specific approach and strategies for establishment and application of these plans within the organization. This paper presents a case study proposal with a view of enabling organizations to implement effective response and recovery plans for business continuity. Nonetheless, it is necessary to note that there are cost and time implications which are associated with the implementation of the incident response and recovery plans for the advantage of business continuity. ... In the light of this argument therefore, it is suitable that business organizations are guided in the proper planning of the response approaches and recovery process in cases of attacks to their information systems. The benefit of proper and organized response and recovery plan for various attacks to organizational computer systems is the reduction of the costs and time related to failure of continuity of business processes (Haddow, Bullock and Coppola, 2011). All organizations require an information system policy which provides the step by step procedure for response to attacks of the system and the recovery from possible attacks (Kuonqui, 2006). Without such a policy, businesses are likely to fail in attaining recovery from various attacks of their information systems (Jennex, 2012).Organizations often have incident response teams which help them to effectively manage various attacks to their information systems (Omar, Alijani and Mason, 2011). These teams are accredited with the r ole of following standard procedure for response and recovery from incidences. In this regard, the teams a significant function of protecting the organization from loss of the continuity of business processes (Kuonqui, 2006). It is notable that regardless of the postulation of information system policies as the solution to the response and recovery from incidences, there is no clear presentation of the contents of such polities. Moreover, the incident response team composition has not been defined clearly. This can be attributed to unprofessional response to attacks of organizations’ information systems (West, 1996). Additionally, actual steps which should be taken in the procedural response to an incidence and recovery from such incidences have not been provided in a distinct
Research in Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Research in Practice - Essay Example Individuals can access knowledge which helps in communication and reflection. Research in practice also leads to development of new information about devising processes and procedures that may make great contributions in theatre and also assist other theatre artists, pedagogues and scholars. Art is not only regarded as a means of communication but also of processing, gathering and identifying new knowledge (Beauchamp, 2010 p 3). This concept has led to the development of a new method of research where by the issues faced in theatre and artistic practice are investigated using methods that have been developed in the boundaries of the practice itself. This has made art to develop into a point of departure and it is no longer regarded as an object of research only. Development of theatre research in practice has led to a growing interest in tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is identified as knowledge of an artist which can be seen in skills and unformulated knowledge that emerge from the work of an artist. Research in practice is especially applied in arts practice in academic settings and it entails a wide category of research activities. Research in practice is carried out with the aim of achieving an arts related output, a research process which is entirely framed as an artistic practice or an arts project as an element of a research process drawing on various methods of research (Arlander, 2009 p 15). Research may usually begin or end in a form of arts practice. It may also draw on various art practices as a part of the process of research or may even be integrated as a whole into the changing forms and outputs of an art project. Practices of art incorporate various creative methodologies that may be used in different disciplines of research projects as methodological innovations therefore coming up with new information and providing new perspectives on the available knowledge. Research in practice will also make use of a different kind of knowledge practice th erefore improving the creativity of artists and other individuals in art practices. Research in practice enables individuals to understand processes, functions and roles that various practices play in the field of art. An understanding of the cultural, political as well as philosophical practices will enable individuals to explore art through practice. Practicing art is an important way through which individuals can understand art and other forms of cultural practices in different countries. The process of making art plays a huge role in generating new ideas and perspectives that will enable in understanding of a wide range of cultural and social phenomena which involves community, narrative, identity, space, transformation, time as well as testimony. Research in practice therefore privileges action as an important aspect of learning and developing new knowledge. In theatre, research in practice usually involves various artist researchers who explore, test and also spread different creative methodologies in different contexts. This makes it possible to explore how different interventions relate with each other. Research in practice can therefore be said to be a creative intervention of understanding the world. Artistic research has various effects on individuals as it may change their views and perspectives regarding important aspects about art. Research in practice is identified as a term that was developed to describe knowledge production that originates from the concerns of different artists. Artistic research
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Technology and its advantages Essay Example for Free
Technology and its advantages Essay Since the Industrial Revolution, technology has served as a tool to improve the standard of living in most countries. We receive a lot of benefits from modern technology in everyday life. The benefit can be so great that you notice it, or something small you can take for granted. Modern technology has solved many problems that people face and play an important role in the development of many countries. Modern technologies create many kinds of products and also a heated controversy. Computers, cloning technology, and video games are some of these technologies. Joshua Quittner writes about the benefits and problems of computer technology in his essay Invasion of Privacy (353). He demonstrates how useful computers are and also how to eliminate problems related to computer use. He insists that the benefits of electronic technologies are worth to the risk of being deprived of his privacy (Quittner 356). In fact, electronic technologies seem almost inevitable in todays society. Other technologies have also contributed to solve other problems as well. For instance, Lee M. Silver states that cloning is a proper operation under the right procedure (364). Although he points out that it will be disastrous if cloning operations are used abusively, he stresses in his essay Jennifer and Rachel that cloning is beneficial for a person who wants to have a child but has problems conceiving one (Silver 363). In When life imitates video, John Leo maintains that violent games reflect recent cruel crimes (360). Because of this, some people are very cautious about the use of those advanced technologies and stressing the drawbacks of them. Most of the drawbacks are preventable with the right education and legal restrictions. Moreover, modern technology becomes not just beneficial but almost essential in recent society because of its great advantages. Providing our society with convenience, safety, and making many things possible are three examples of advantages that modern technology brings us. One of the advantages of modern technology is its convenience. Quittner writes how people receive benefits from the electric technology in their daily life (354). He gives examples such as ATM, E-Z pass, and online service and shopping (Quittner 354). The benefits are common and we take this convenience for granted as a part of everyday life. However, this was not natural fifty years ago. Before, people needed to wait in a long line at the counter of a teller before withdrawing money. Today, in busy days during Christmas season, people can order a present on line from a computer. They can see a big smile of their family member by giving the present on time. Besides, one can compare cheaper and better goods on line instead of going several shopping malls. This is impossible without modern technology. Of course, there are drawbacks of electric technology such as a matter of privacy. However, they are preventable. Quittner suggests paying cash instead of using credit cards, or refusing to divulge Social Security number as some examples on how to prevent leaks of private information (356). He also mentions that protecting the privacy of E-mail by encrypting it with secret codes so powerful that even the National Security Agencys supercomputers would have a hard time cracking it. (Quittner 357). According to Quittner, this kind of code is legal within the U.S.(357). So if the law for protecting from leaking privacy by electric technology is made universally, the problem of leaking privacy will lessen considerably. I agree with Quittner that the issue of privacy relating to electric technology is mostly preventable by self-protection and legal restriction. Another advantage of technology is to provide society with safety. John Leo warns the potential problem of modern technology such as video game (359). On the contrary, he also partly admits advantages of modern technology if used as a safe tool (Leo 360). For example, he mentions that the army uses shooting games of high quality in their practice (Leo 360). This kind of simulation game is used in aviation practice as well. Repetitious practice of flight games before practical flight will provide the trainees more safety than to beginners with no practice. This will give less injury or accident in flight training. The drawback of this technology warned Leo, is moral deprivation of young children who cannot make a clear distinction between the virtual and real world (Leo 360). As a result, there is the possibility that they might commit a cruel crime like the massacre in the Littleton without hesitation (Leo 360). However, the connection between the violent game and crime is just a hypothetical possibility. It is natural to think that the cause is relationship between children and grown-ups around them including their parents and their communities. To the certain age when children have a sense of true and false, it is the responsibility of grown-ups to keep them away from violent games. We need to think about relationships with children and their moral education instead of blaming modern technology like video games. The greatest advantage of modern technology is to make impossible things possible. Lee M. Silver writes a story about a single woman called Jennifer who gives birth to her clone called Rachel in his writing Jennifer and Rachel(362). Silver insists the benefit of the technology is to grant a child for infertile people or for someone who wants a child but has no chance to have one. Modern technology contributes to the well being of minorities such as homosexual couples and infertile couples (Silver 364). Silver also mentions the cloned sheep named Dolly. Modern technology including clone technology could give a way to save the world from starvation (365). Cloned cows with traits of cows producing abundant milk will provide stable milk supply to developing countries. Or, other modern technology including genetically modified food also will provide a more stable food supply of plants and vegetables tolerant to cold climate and bugs. People in the developing countries can secure stable food supply and commodity. People insist there might be an ethical issue, however, the fact that technology has brought new options is undoubted. Again, although Silver refers to technology abuse problem relating to modern technology (367), this also can be controlled by emphasizing education and making a new law. Only shifting the society along with the technology changes can solve the problems related to modern technology. It is not the problem of modern technology itself. Modern technologies have settled or lessened many problems and difficulties of the society by its advantages. Making society more convenient and safe and making impossible things possible are similar features of the change which previous people have experienced by social change, like shifting from a hunting society to an agricultural society and establishing a commercial society due to the invention of new tools. To consider these advantages and change of society, modern technology, which we use today, might be not only a new tool but also the tool, which makes a dramatic change in history. There might be social problems generated by inability to correspond with modern technology use. However, the contribution of modern technology to society should not be eliminated and should be distributed evenly.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Hydrosphere And The Hydrologic Cycle Environmental Sciences Essay
Hydrosphere And The Hydrologic Cycle Environmental Sciences Essay The purpose of this report is to describe the most important features of Earth from a scientific point of view. After investigating the Earth system, four components are identified. They are namely atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere. Different components are interconnected so that no single part of the system can work without any other. This report will focus on the composition, operation and evolution of different components as well as an Earth system as a whole. The report will begin by describing the four spheres one by one, followed by a conclusive overview of how the four spheres work together. Hydrosphere and the hydrologic cycle Earth is a blue planet with a wide surface coverage of water. It is approximated that 75% of the Earth surface, which equivalents to about 361 million m2, is covered by ocean. The hydrosphere is important as lives cannot exist without water. Composition of hydrosphere The hydrosphere is composed of all of the water on or near the earth. The total stock of it is approximately 1400 million km3 (Bronstert et al. 2005). This includes all forms of water in the oceans, rivers, lakes, and even the moisture in the air. Ninety-seven percent of the earths water is in the oceans while the remaining three percent is fresh water for which three-quarters of the fresh water is solid and exists in ice sheets. The major reservoirs in the hydrologic cycle are surface water, groundwater and glacier (Bronstert et al. 2005). Water cycle The water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. It includes the processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and subsurface flow. The Sun is the main energy to drive the whole hydrological cycle. Water takes up heat and evaporates as water vapor into the air. Water can be released out from plants through evapotranspiration. Ice and snow can change to gaseous form by sublimation. Water vapor is transferred by air to different lattitudes. They condense and fall as precipitation in the form of rain, snow, hail and sleet. The water can be stored in solid form as ice caps and glaciers for thousands of years. Most water falls back into the oceans or onto land as rain. The water flows over the ground is known as surface runoff and part of it flows into rivers. Much of it soaks into the ground as infiltration. Runoff and groundwater are stored as freshwater in lakes. Over time, the water returns to the ocean, where our water cycle started. Hydrological cycle also involves the exchange of heat and contributes to temperature changes. For example, water takes up energy as latent heat when evaporates and thus lower the surrounding temperature. When it condenses, latent heat is released and warms the environment. By transferring water from one reservoir to another, the hydrological cycle purifies water through infiltration, replenishes the land with freshwater, and transports minerals to different parts of the globe. Erosion and sedimentation reshape the geological features of the Earth. Moreover, the hydrological cycle helps in maintain life and ecosystems on Earth. Evolution through history The hydrosphere has been changed and evolved over the geological time. The amount and distribution pattern of precipitation, salinity of water, glacial pattern and the quality of freshwater have all been changed. Some are natural evolution but some are altered by human. Precipitation Salinity Glacial retreat Glacial retreat is also an example of a changing water cycle, where the supply of water to glaciers from precipitation cannot keep up with the loss of water from melting and sublimation. Glacial retreat since 1850 has been extensive. Pollution and scarcity Freshwater resources have been severely polluted by human especially since the industrial revolution. Human activities like agriculture and industry discharge enormous untreated contaminants into freshwater system through rivers and ground water. This leads to scarcity of freshwater to human in some regions. Geosphere The outer layers of the Earth are composed of lithosphere and asthenosphere. The lithosphere is the rigid outermost part consists of the crust and the portion of the upper mantle. The asthenosphere is the weaker and deeper part of the upper mantle which flows more easily. The lithosphere is underlain by the asthenosphere. The boundary between them is defined by a difference in response to stress: the lithosphere remains rigid for very long periods of geologic time in which it deforms elastically and through brittle failure, while the asthenosphere deforms viscously and accommodates strain through plastic deformation. Plate Tectonics The key principle of plate tectonics is that the lithosphere exists as separate and distinct tectonic plates, which ride on the fluid-like asthenosphere. Tectonic plates contain both oceanic lithosphere and continental lithosphere with its own kind of crust on top. There are seven, some say eight, major plates and many minor plates on Earth. There are three kinds of plate boundaries namely convergent, divergent and transform. Convergent boundary is where two plates collide; Divergent plate boundary is where plates move apart with each other; Transform boundary is where plates slide past each other. Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain-building, and oceanic trench formation occur along these plate boundaries. Lithosphereà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s properties of bigger strength and lower density allow tectonic plates to float and move on asthenosphere. Lateral density variations in the mantle result in convection. The relative motion between the plates is accommodated by seafloor spreading and the creation of new plates at oceanic ridges, subduction of the surface plates at ocean trenches, and strike-slip motion at transform faults which allows plate motion without creating or removing surface plates. (Landuyt, William 2009) Evolution It is believed that the present continents once formed a single land mass Pangea. This supercontinent existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, forming about 300 million years ago and beginning to rift around 200 million years ago. In the Early Jurassic at 175 Ma, Pangea was begun to separate and form two supercontinents, which were Gondwana and Laurasia. Gondwana included most of the landmasses in todays Southern Hemisphere, including Antarctica, South America, Africa, Madagascar and the Australian continent, as well as the Arabian Peninsula and the Indian subcontinent, which have now moved entirely into the Northern Hemisphere. The plates move slowly, leading to the positions of continents and oceans today by collision and separation. The break-up of Pangea still continues today. Therefore, the distribution of continents and ocean on Earth is very likely to be changed gradually in the future. Atmosphere The atmosphere of Earth is a layer of gases retained by Earths gravity surrounding the planet. It can absorb ultraviolet solar radiation, warm the surface through greenhouse effect, and reducing temperature extremes between day and night. The importance of atmosphere is to sustain life on Earth. Structure The atmosphere can be divided it into several layers with different rate of change in temperature with height and composition. The Earths atmosphere consists, from the ground up, of the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere and also the magnetosphere. Variation of properties through the layers of the atmosphere Figure 1 cr: Composition nowadays The atmospheric composition on Earth is largely governed by the by-products of the very life that it sustains. Earths atmosphere contains roughly (by molar content/volume) 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, a variable amount (average around 1.247%) water vapor, 0.93% argon, 0.038% carbon dioxide, and traces of hydrogen, helium, and other noble gases. Additionally, among all layers of Earth atmosphere, only the troposphere is found to be suitable for terrestrial plants and terrestrial animals. Evolution The earliest atmosphere was mainly consisted of hydrogen. Moreover, it was likely that there were simple hydrides, especially methane, ammonia and water vapor. The atmosphere then evolved after some time, containing lots of nitrogen and carbon dioxide as well as inert gases. Outgassing from volcanoes contributed to the evolution of atmosphere at this stage. Besides, large asteroids bombarded the Earth, also producing gases took part in the evolution. Furthermore, much carbon dioxide exhalations were dissolved in ocean made up heavy rainfall. Nitrogen was the major component of the atmosphere 3.4 billion years ago. An influence of life has to be taken into account rather soon in the history of the atmosphere, since hints of early life forms are to be found as early as 3.5 billion years ago. Oxygen began to develop in atmosphere in the late Archaean eon about 2.7 billion years ago. Photosynthesizing algae as stromatolite is believed to contribute to it. Free oxygen did not exist until about 1.7 billion years ago. The evidence of it is the existence of the red beds and the end of the banded iron formations. Iron was oxidized by oxygen and the oxygen content did not get high until the huge amount of iron had been oxidized. This marks a change from a reducing atmosphere to an oxidizing atmosphere. The accretion of continents about 3.5 billion years ago added plate tectonics, constantly rearranging the continents and also shaping long-term climate evolution by allowing the transfer of carbon dioxide to large land-based carbonate stores. There was a peak 280 million years ago, when the amount of oxygen was about 30%, much higher than today. The process of plants emitting oxygen and the volcanoes effect on sulphur affect the amount of oxygen. The break down of pyrite rocks cause sulphur to be added to the oceans. Volcanos cause this sulphur to be oxidized, reducing the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, volcanos also emit carbon dioxide which can be converted into oxygen by plants. Recent: Air pollution and increasing greenhouse gases Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to organisms into the atmosphere. Human activities emitted huge amount of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxides and methane into the atmosphere. It is believed that the anthropogenic alteration of the atmospheric gases causes global warming on Earth. In addition, the increase in CFCs usage by human is also believed ozone to be the reason for ozone depletion in the stratosphere. Biosphere It is estimated that the biosphere have begun to evolve 3.5 billion years ago. The biosphere is the global sum of all ecosystems. It can also be called the zone of life on Earth, a closed and self-regulating system. The biosphere is the global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. The biosphere is divided into a number of biomes, inhabited by broadly similar flora and fauna. On land, biomes are separated primarily by latitude. Terrestrial biomes lying within the Arctic and Antarctic Circles are relatively barren of plant and animal life, while most of the more populous biomes lie near the equator. Terrestrial organisms in temperate and Arctic biomes have relatively small amounts of total biomass, smaller energy budgets, and display prominent adaptations to cold, including world-spanning migrations, social adaptations, homeothermy, estivation and multiple layers of insulation. Evolution Origins of life There is a lot of research on the origin of life. One of the idea is that the beginning of life may have included self-replicating molecules such as RNA and the assembly of simple cells. Evolution of life Prokaryotes inhabited the Earth from approximately 3à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬4 billion years ago.[255][256] No obvious changes in morphology or cellular organisation occurred in these organisms over the next few billion years.[257] The eukaryotic cells emerged between 1.6Â à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 2.7 billion years ago. The next major change in cell structure came when bacteria were engulfed by eukaryotic cells, in a cooperative association called endosymbiosis.[258][259] The engulfed bacteria and the host cell then underwent co-evolution, with the bacteria evolving into either mitochondria or hydrogenosomes.[260] Another engulfment of cyanobacterial-like organisms led to the formation of chloroplasts in algae and plants.[261] The history of life was that of the unicellular eukaryotes, prokaryotes and archaea until about 610 million years ago when multicellular organisms began to appear in the oceans in the Ediacaran period.[255][262] The evolution of multicellularity occurred in multiple independent events, in organisms as diverse as sponges, brown algae, cyanobacteria, slime moulds and myxobacteria.[263] Soon after the emergence of these first multicellular organisms, a remarkable amount of biological diversity appeared over approximately 10 million years, in an event called the Cambrian explosion. Here, the majority of types of modern animals appeared in the fossil record, as well as unique lineages that subsequently became extinct.[264] Various triggers for the Cambrian explosion have been proposed, including the accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere from photosynthesis.[265] About 500 million years ago, plants and fungi colonised the land and were soon followed by arthropods and other animals.[266] Insects were particularly successful and even today make up the majority of animal species.[267] Amphibians first appeared around 364 million years ago, followed by early amniotes and birds around 155 million years ago (both from reptile-like lineages), mammals around 129 million years ago, homininae around 10 million years ago and modern humans around 250,000 years ago.[268][269][270] However, despite the evolution of these large animals, smaller organisms similar to the types that evolved early in this process continue to be highly successful and dominate the Earth, with the majority of both biomass and species being prokaryotes.[151] 3.6 billion years of simple cells (prokaryotes), 3.4 billion years of stromatolites demonstrating photosynthesis, 2 billion years of complex cells (eukaryotes), 1 billion years of multicellular life, 600 million years of simple animals, 570 million years of arthropods (ancestors of insects, arachnids and crustaceans), 550 million years of complex animals, 500 million years of fish and proto-amphibians, 475 million years of land plants, 400 million years of insects and seeds, 360 million years of amphibians, 300 million years of reptiles, 200 million years of mammals, 150 million years of birds, 130 million years of flowers, 65 million years since the dinosaurs died out, 2.5 million years since the appearance of the genus Homo, 200,000 years of anatomically modern humans, 25,000 years since the disappearance of Neanderthal traits from the fossil record. 13,000 years since the disappearance of Homo floresiensis from the fossil record. Conclusion The characteristics of the four components (atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere) of the Earth system have been summarized by discussing each of their composition and evolution history. The four spheres are linked to and interact with each other to sustain the Earth. The planet Earth has a history of 4.6 billion years. Lots of things have been changed and evolved since its formation. The evolution is going to continue. Landuyt,William, I.,II. (2009). The generation of plate tectonics on a planet. Yale University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 195. Retrieved from (305041644)) Axel Bronstert, Jesus Carrera, Pavel Kabat, Sabine Lutkemeier.(2005).Coupled Models for the Hydrological: CycleIntegrating Atmosphere, Biosphere, and Pedosphere. Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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